Lets face it, Starcraft and the world of map making is slowly dying, i know probably 90% of the people that read this will find this to be nonsense and an idiotic idea but I'm tired of all the clan wars. Clans are starting to get desperate for members and start recruiting lazy people or newbies that don't know much about map making. Instead of having very few elite members per Clan, we should merge all of the three clans into one, forming a new clan full of elites. I've been thinking about this for a while and asked a few people for their opinions before i posted this thread, they encouraged me to. If we don't do something soon, two things will happen, either clans become so desperate that they will start recruiting newbies to their clans and the clans will become newbie clans that don't even deserve a spot on SEN OR the clans will simply die. Please post your ideas, comments, and observations.
P.S. I am sorry for not including Clan Oo in this thread, I have a few very good friends there, but that Clan is an example of what i stated above, It recruits mostly newbies, my friend Oo.Zero.oO for example doesn't even know how to place a zerg unit for player 1... (The clan does have a few elites though), secondly, in case you are wondering, I am aE[Vampire] on battle.net and thirdly, dont mind my perverted avatar... I lost a bet thats why i had to put it on there...
Let me think about this. No. And just change your avatar you idiot.
The clans dont need bounding.
Mapmaking is not dying, I have been around for several years, and I notice rises and dips. There are always people mapmaking and just because some clans are dying doesn't mean mapmaking is. Be sure you get your facts strait, because Oo.Zero.oO isn't in the clan. All of the Oo membs are great mapmakers and there are a lot of us. Oo is doing awesome, and has been steadily getting better as other clans have come and gone over the last two years. I don't kno bout other mapmakin clans, but if you need to hang out with some active mapmakers check us out.
Good idea. But, i don't think the clans would be willing to do that but if they would be willing the more power to ya
It would never workout, theres too many power hungry leaders.
I seggest we all just make peace, i started [L] to prove that peace could be achieved and to have somewhere that i can go without being stressed.
Check us out: Op Op[L]
lol i said that at op sen the power hungry part
Bad idea. Since, the "elite clan" will only take all the good members, then the "non-elites or non accepted" will make another clan, defeating the point of the merge.
Bad Idea, best possible outcome is that every clan becomes one giant one. By the way, I like your avatar. I'm the one on the right.
They said SC was dying out back in 2000 or so. There doesn't seem to be much progress since then huh?
Bad idea. Since, the "elite clan" will only take all the good members, then the "non-elites or non accepted" will make another clan, defeating the point of the merge
Devilin, my point exactly, one elite clan.
I don't think starcraft is dying. I met 5 newbies (all in defferent games) once and they said this was their first time playing sc.
They didn't even know on to build, geez play the campain
I've been trying to join a clan, but I always have to get off during the 'test' (sister on phone, I have 56k) Then i never meet them again
The only clan was SIFW, which me and my friends started, which its suxed since they change their names like once every month. Now I'm the clans only member lol.
If battle.net West and East are dying, go to Asia or Europe.
I checked asia's population. WHen we had about 22k players on bw, they had about 90k ppl.
If battle.net West and East are dying, go to Asia or Europe.
I checked asia's population. WHen we had about 22k players on bw, they had about 90k ppl.
first of all, if we go to Asia of Europe we will lag because our connection things are located in USA, second of all, we won't be able to communicate very well because they all speak different languages.
Be sure you get your facts strait, because Oo.Zero.oO isn't in the clan
wtf do you mean he's not in Oo ? first of all his name is Oo.Zero.oO, second of all i see him in the channel "Clan Oo" every time i go there and he's online, and thirdly HE EVEN TOLD ME HE's IN THE CLAN so correct me if im wrong.
In asia gateway, there's this translator program called Hanstar which automatically converts their korean into our english and our english into their korean. But yea u're right, it is very laggy. I could join their games but I can't host them
The best thing I would promote is getting "elite" members of clans to train less good mapmakers within their clans. I think getting a master-apprentice type thing would improve the quality of mapping, since more people would be able to get their ideas shaped into maps.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jun 8 2005, 01:11 PM)
The best thing I would promote is getting "elite" members of clans to train less good mapmakers within their clans. I think getting a master-apprentice type thing would improve the quality of mapping, since more people would be able to get their ideas shaped into maps.
True but usually this process is tedious and hard. Because first of all, you guys would have to be communicating over the internet, and that's like at least 10x harder than if you talk in person.
Lets face it, Starcraft and the world of map making is slowly dying, i know probably 90% of the people that read this will find this to be nonsense and an idiotic idea but I'm tired of all the clan wars. Clans are starting to get desperate for members and start recruiting lazy people or newbies that don't know much about map making. Instead of having very few elite members per Clan, we should merge all of the three clans into one, forming a new clan full of elites. I've been thinking about this for a while and asked a few people for their opinions before i posted this thread, they encouraged me to. If we don't do something soon, two things will happen, either clans become so desperate that they will start recruiting newbies to their clans and the clans will become newbie clans that don't even deserve a spot on SEN OR the clans will simply die. Please post your ideas, comments, and observations.
P.S. I am sorry for not including Clan Oo in this thread, I have a few very good friends there, but that Clan is an example of what i stated above, It recruits mostly newbies, my friend Oo.Zero.oO for example doesn't even know how to place a zerg unit for player 1... (The clan does have a few elites though), secondly, in case you are wondering, I am aE[Vampire] on battle.net and thirdly, dont mind my perverted avatar... I lost a bet thats why i had to put it on there...
I hate it when people talk like that. Its because you you Vampire, That we still have people calling us Noobs. Zero is not in the clan, and he hasnt been since like 6 months ago ATLEAST. We got rid of those people who joined when it was a bounding clan.
He joined back when it was bounding and is not in the clan. He probly logs onto Oo.Zero.oO but is not supposed to.
time i go there and he's online, and thirdly HE EVEN TOLD ME HE's IN THE CLAN so correct me if im wrong.
Many of the old members still claim they are. Who wouldnt want to
I hate it when people talk like that. Its because you you Vampire, That we still have people calling us Noobs. Zero is not in the clan, and he hasnt been since like 6 months ago ATLEAST. We got rid of those people who joined when it was a bounding clan.
He joined back when it was bounding and is not in the clan. He probly logs onto Oo.Zero.oO but is not supposed to.
Zealot, like i said before, you DO have some elite map makers in your clan, but its mostly newbies.
Europe has nowhere near the amount of players as the other servers.
I'm from Europe and most of us have gone over to Us.East and we don't lag.
I don't think theres any point to 1 big clan. Surely the point of a clan is to have wars with another, not to isolate yourself from everyone else on b.net?
Merging US West and US East seems like a good idea.
Merging all the Clans isn't. What's the point of being in the clan if there is no distinction for being in it. You have all the people who like clans in that clan and that's it. You made it in... now what? There wouldn't be distinction for being in a good clan or bad clan.
It would be like all 50 states would merge into one big state. I'd be called The United State of America.
All the citizens would be the poeple in the clan, and all the illegal inmigrants and minorities would be Non-Clan people.
But your point of SC Mapmaking slowly dieing is true. The backbone of the Mapmaking Community, SEN and similar other sites, still haven't seen this blow.
But the first blow started on B.net mapmaking where you'd sit in the Custom Maps Channel and discuss your maps, now mapmaking isn't as public, it's just reserved to the very few(Community People like SEN). By this I mean that unless you belong to a Forum Community, you won't get to test/discuss many maps as before.
The next step went to B.net UMS Gaming. Now you don't see as many maps as before and you keep seeing the same maps since about 2 years ago. This is showing that the vast majority of maps made in communities like SEN don't reach the public.
The last step, the Forum Mapmaking Community, because that's the only thing keeping it driving, some good sets of Forums. These are as strong as ever but their downfall will eventually come as more and more people move on to get addicted to other games and we older members from way back in 97' and 98' aren't as active any more. So now you have the less advanced, but still advanced masses which are running everything. Extended Terrain is the only new thing that has happened to the Community and that was one year ago when Dabbu started the craze. If you have been long enough in the Mapmaking Community like myself, you would see that Mapmaking has been declining. Fewer and Fewer trigger systems are invented. I've only seen a couple after I made both of my Trigger systems in Nov 04' and Feb 05' and my "RPG Concept" from Nov 04'- May05' Before that, during 2002 to mid 04' you could see many systems being released and developed. Now you rarely see a new system/design released.
So for most people, the Mapmaking Community is as strong as ever which is making maps. But if you take a look at the essense of making maps, which is making trigger Systems, Editors and a big Community to play those maps, you wills ee what is happening.
I'm not saying that it is dieing, I am saying that it is slowly declineing, not because lost of interest but because more and more games are being released and almost all of the mapmaking legends are leaving/have left mapmaking.
Now while it may be declining right now, if a few programs come out there could be a resurggence. The automodder is the main one, as it would open a whole new set of possibilites. The problem though is that things like the automodder are pretty much reserved to the more elite UMS people, (i.e. us here at SEN). To keep starcraft going strong we need to get more public support out for the automodder to help maximize it's potential.
Melee itself is still going fine. Many people have left the main blizzard servers though due to the hacking and cheating going on, that's one thing to keep in mind when melee is involved.
what does this AUTOMOD do?
bah sc is not diein out in any way at all.....its true many legends r leaven but theres always people who want to be really good map makers and r trying to learn as much as they can....after joining this site i've already learned a crap load of stuff a couple months ago i couldn't even make a bound
if all the clans joined together it would be chaos because some clan leaders just dont like other clan leaders...... and who would be the OVERALL clan leader of this big elite clan???? its just not possible
If there are still people enthusiastic about SC mapmaking, they could rise up to be legends. Of course, it's not as likely as it was years ago, considering the age of SC, but it's still possible.
Automod is a non-existant program that would be able to read data off a bot or 3rd party program when you join a game, so you would download a mod as well as the map, or some sort of variationt o that.
And no. We should not merge clans. That's such an absurd idea. If people wanted to all be 'one,' they would've just joined the same clan instead of starting their own. One of the fun things about clans are clan wars. Of course, up to a certain extent before it gets out of hand.
Bad idea. I just don't see the point of it.