I think you should shift the town waaay down, since in DX the town is in the SW portion of the game, not the NW. Just helpful ideas.

QUOTE(myfathersson @ Jun 8 2005, 10:10 PM)
i couldnt find the beach.....for a demo its still alittle uncompleted u should atleast tell whitch direction to go
Oh, if you've played the GB game you'd know. It's south of the town. I guess he assumed that everyone has played it.
Also, you really should compress all the towns and such. Link moves much faster than how you have him right now.

Secondly, you need to do two things to Link. One, give him shield (forgive the accidental pun) that way, he can sometimes deflect weak attacks without taking damage. And two,
realize that it takes two hits for a zealot that does 30 dmg to kill a ling that has 30 hp, while other units, such as a marine or a scout, will kill it in one hit.Thirdly, fix the racoon. I got too close to him so he unsieged on me. Use a hero tank for the racoon instead of a normal tank.
And finally, realize that you can walk through the gaps between the trees. Make sure you use x-tra or some other editor to prevent this when you finish the map.
QUOTE(SpiralEdge @ Jun 11 2005, 10:56 PM)
If you want to impress people why not stop making crappy rpg's like everyone has done a million times, and maybe make a zelda game that was perhaps... I don't know... LIKE ZELDA?
Well, he's trying to create Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (DX version for GBC) on Starcraft. It may be lacking, but he IS making it geographically accurate to Zelda and is copying the cinema scenes. He's doing what I'm doing for my Advance Wars map, except I'm going to make sure you can't NOT play it.