You have to perform whatever action you want to do, be it check the box or uncheck it, and submit it twice before you could see the changes.
That was fixxed, right?
Not sure if it's finished, but some options are missing.
Game Preference should be: Melee, UMS, Both, None
Mapping Preference: Just put all the categories in the DLDB
I'll add them soon, but if I use the categories from the DLDB, I might as well as dynamically create the list from there, and so, I'll wait for the DLDB to finish.
Also just might be the IE CSS, but the drop down part of the menu is a darker green then the bar.
You're talking abotu the menu on top? If so, I'm just going to scratch the whole thing and hopefully do something better... soon.
Suggestion: Menu System » My Favorites
Do not allow repeated options?
Uploading an invalid extension kills the current avatar.
What would it do otherwise?
"You have already changed your password during the past 15 days." instead of just having nothing happen.
If possible you could have one of the following:
1) "You must wait 15 days after your past name change"
2) "There are X Days remaining for you to change your name". (This one would take a bit more of PHP but not much because you could use the same "invisible clock" that tracks those 15 days and implement it there)
If no name change yet: "You haven't changed your name yet! Good for you
If name change < 15 days: Displays next possible name change date/time.
If name change > 15 days: "You have regained the ability to change your name"
I'm not sure what you mean by "instead of just having nothing happen".
Trying to upload this image...
Fixxed, but that image should fail anyways for being too big.
Need to do a little fixxing on the journal entry part, but other than that, everything should be good?