Hello everyone!
I must admit that I was originally planning to just kinda infiltrate, you know, start posting out of nowhere as if I'd been there the whole time...but I could really use a kiwi and an acid bath, to deal with hunger and insolent minions/family members, respectively.
I am an 18 year old college student, looking to major in English, Biology, or some bastardized hybrid thereof, while simultaneously not flunking out from excessive compulsive gaming. My interests include pretty much anything that begins with "Star": Starcraft, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate...you get the picture.
In terms of Starcraft mapping, my main specialty lies in the modification of existing UMS to improve balance and gameplay...and no, I'm not one of those people who replaces all the credits with their own, I believe in leaving the original credits intact so as not to take attention away from the map's creator. I do, however, also make UMS of my own.