[-- Introduction --][/center]
I might be going a little crazy here... But I've begun creating
Starsiege: TRIBES for Starcraft. As you know, Tribes is a first person shooter so right off the bat you know there's going to be some major differences. Let's move on now to basic idea of how the map will play...
[-- The Basics --]Tileset: Jungle
Dimensions: 192x192
Game-Type: CTF
# of Players: 6 (3vs3)[/center]
There's two teams. Blood Eagle, on the West Side of the map, and Diamond Sword on the East Side. Each team has there own flag which is on a stand over at their base. In order to win the game you must do "one" of two things:
- Team gets a total of 8 flag captures.
- Team has most flag captures within 45 minutes.
Now this isn't your normal CTF map. Not by a long shot. In this map you have the ability to "fly" using your jetpack. You will need to fly in order to grab the flag as well as move around the map quicker. But keep in mind, when you're in flight, "Vespene Gas" is used as energy points and when they run out you must go back to being a ground unit until you have enough energy.
[-- When you first start --][/center]
When you first start the map you'll be right near the entrance of your base. You can either go inside the base and get equipped or hurry up over to the enemy's side for a quick flag capture. Be careful though the enemy base isn't exactly unprotected. When you enter the inside of the base you'll notice a few buildings and they are:
- Inventory Station - Allows you to purchase a different armor and backpack as well as give you items like grenades, mines and repair kits
- Ammo Station - Refills the grenades, mines and repair kits with the current armor your in
- Power Generator - The core of your entire base, if the enemy destroys this, all stations and turrets will stop working until you get it repaired.
- Repair Pack - There's a repair pack inside the base incase you need to repair something that is damaged.
Outside of the base there are 3 Rocket Turrets and 2 Plasma Turrets, along with a Vehicle station where you can buy vehicles. There's also a pulse sensor which sees within a reasonable distance around your base. If this gets destroyed or the Power Generator becomes damaged, you won't be able to see as much around your base.
[-- Features --][/center]
Player Commands DropShip System:
Slot #1: Use Mine - Deploys a Vulture Mine at your current location
Slot #2: Use Grenade - Deploys Infested Terran at current location
Slot #3: Suicide - Automatically kills yourself and you get -1 subtracted from score
Slot #4: Toggle Vehicle - Enter/exit a vehicle depending if you're in one or not
Slot #5: Use Repair Kit - Automatically heals you to 100%
Slot #6: Use Pack - Uses the specific pack you have equipped
Slot #7: Toggle Jetpack - Change from Ground/Air unit.
Slot #8: Deploy Beacon - Deploys a little beacon at current location
Overlord Armor Buying System - Buy Armors and Items with this easy to use system.
Random Spawning - Randomly spawn around your base in 8 different locations.
[-- Inventory --][/center]
There's 4 different armors and each one has a specific roll:
- Light Armor (Marine/Wraith)
Most versatile
Low HP
Fastest armor
You spawn with this armor
Holds least amount of items
Can get in and pilot vehicles
Engineer Armor (SCV/Scout)
Builds defense (Rocket/Plasma turrets)
Very weak
Can't enter into enemy territory
Cannot get in or pilot vehicles
Medium Armor (Hydra/Scout)
Moderate HP
Hold more items than Light Armor
Much slower
Ideal as a defensive unit
Can get in and pilot vehicles
Heavy Armor (Reaver/BC)
Ton of HP
Deals huge amount of damage
Very slow
Cannot pilot vehicles but can get in them
There's 4 different packs and each is unique:
- Energy Pack - Gives player more energy
- Cloaking Pack - Uses energy to make players cloaked.
- Shield Pack - Temporarily makes user invincible.
- Repair Pack - Repairs buildings and/or teammates.
Other random items:
- Mine - Vulture mine (use dropship command to throw)
- Grenade - Infested Terran (use dropship command to throw)
- Repair Kit - Heals you to 100% (only can carry one at a time)
- Beacon - Simple marker you can place on the map (might not be added)
- LAPC (Shuttle) - Can carry you and your teammates anywhere on the map
- Valkyrie - Low attack, very fast... Nothing special here
- Corsair - Low attack, very fast... Nothing special here
[-- Sounds --][/center]
I've extracted a large amount of sound effects from the actual game itself which I will be using in this map. These sounds include:
- Footstep sound (different for each armor)
- Jet thrust
- Mortar Reload, Idle and Firing sound
- Landing sound (when going from air back to ground)
- Flag Captured
- Flag Taken
- And much much more!
[-- Pictures --]*Note: Sprites and other things like doodads have not been added yet.

Entrance to inside of the base where your stations and power generator is.

Bridge that crosses over to enemy territory.

Upper portion of the internal base, lower portion consists of the Inventory and Ammo stations

I commited suicide next to a plasma turret with the Dropship command "Suicide"[/center]
Post comments and questions, I know there's a lot I probably forgot to say.