im reaching the final stages of my map, so i thought now would a good time to ask for a little feedback before releasing a public beta not entirely finished, and here are some changes that im going to do or am considering:
-remove the space behind the minerals in the mains
-increase the maps dimensions
-move the main minerals away from the island mineral to prevent cliffing
-add space to the mains
-add 2 more islands
the mains have 10 patches with 1200 minerals each, which translates to 8 patches with 1500.
[edit]this map was made almost in tandem with another map maker. he created the original map, then decided it was unplayable, so i asked him for it and continued to edit it.
Definatly make mains bigger. Very cool map and cant wait to see final version.
My eyes like it! I just don't like that big mineral wall. i would say theres enough rooom in the mains.
the wall is ugly but i dont want to have 2 so easily accessible entrances because it breaks the balance of the game alot (imo)
im considering using a trigger to remove the minerals after a certain amount of time, but the only problem is that i wouldnt be able to make a melee version =[ unless theres a way for the minerals to dissapear after a certain amount of time (hallucination doesnt last long enough) using melee
and the bases are really cramped in the game, i couldnt imagine really playing on the map as they are now. you have to build all your production by your nex because of the weird shape of the main.
im still looking into ways to get rid of the mineral wall without sacrificing the balance
I remember seeing you (I hope) post this map on PGT... it's coming along nicly.
you saw the original creator post this on pgt, then you saw me write a bunch of advice, then you saw him edit it some.
after that, he named it and played it, changed it a little more, deemed it unplayable, and put it in the trash heap. i emailed him asking about it, and he said he had given up on it, so i asked him for one of the versions of the map, and began editing it.
ive spent around 9-10 hours editing it so far, and i have a long way to go, with the changes im planning.
i put the disclaimer in my original post just so nobody gets the idea that i in any way have stolen this map-- in fact when i release the map i am keeping the credits to boongee, and i have been keeping him updated with the changes i have made in case he objects to any of them.
I dont see anything wrong with playing a map in UMS, its usefull for obs slots.
firstly, this isnt a mod of Technetium. the layout is way different (to my eyes at least)
second, after boongee posted that thread i checked his site (for maybe the 5th-6th time) looking to see if he had posted the map he had posted at pgt, but no dice, so I emailed him about it. he responded that the mineral block (which was originally at the top of the 2nd ramp) made the map frustrating to play because it confused the units. he showed me 3 versions of the map, 1 pre pgt, 1 during pgt, and 1 post pgt, and asked me which one i wanted and why.
i got the revised one he posted at pgt, and have since emailed him regarding every change that i have made, and every change i am planning on making.
boongee had put this map in his trash heap, and i am just digging it out and brushing it off, and seeing what i can do to make it more playable, because i felt it was a high quality map that deserved to be played.
if you dont believe me, you can email boongee, or you can find him on uswest (i think he uses ia-boongee) and ask him about it. the original map name (which i am planning on changing) was Determination.
And also i apologize for anywhere stating that this was "my map", this is boongees map, and i am only trying to make it more playable.
[edit]and since my efforts to make the map 128x128 arent being very successful, and i dont think i could rearange the mains well enough to fit a base, im considering removing the back islands and spreading those minerals around the map (to other expos). how do islands effect the balance of the game, and would removing the islands in favor of bigger mains be better or worse for the map (as a whole)
It isn't as much like that map as I thought, but you still shouldn't have called it your own.
edit]this map was made almost in tandem with another map maker. he created the original map, then decided it was unplayable, so i asked him for it and continued to edit it.
you saw the original creator post this on pgt, then you saw me write a bunch of advice, then you saw him edit it some.
after that, he named it and played it, changed it a little more, deemed it unplayable, and put it in the trash heap. i emailed him asking about it, and he said he had given up on it, so i asked him for one of the versions of the map, and began editing it.
ive spent around 9-10 hours editing it so far, and i have a long way to go, with the changes im planning.
i put the disclaimer in my original post just so nobody gets the idea that i in any way have stolen this map-- in fact when i release the map i am keeping the credits to boongee, and i have been keeping him updated with the changes i have made in case he objects to any of them.
the only time that i have even implied that i was the one that i created the map was the very first post of the thread, and even then i added an edit to it about 2 minutes after clarifying that i didnt entirely create the map.
you should at least read the thread before you start lecturing me about stealing other peoples work
It doesn't matter that you edit; why would you even say "im reaching the final stages of my map, so i thought now would a good time to ask for a little feedback before releasing a public beta" when you took someone else's map and made a few modifications?
It doesn't matter that you edit; why would you even say "im reaching the final stages of my map, so i thought now would a good time to ask for a little feedback before releasing a public beta" when you took someone else's map and made a few modifications?
the finished product of my map and his map will be significantly different. its not just "a few" modifications. the only thing that has really stayed the same is the layout, and even that has been changed. its not enough to call it a wholly original map, but its more than enough to be disregarded by you as simply "a few" changes.
ive spent alot of time on the map, and throughout my editing i have at one point or another changed the terrain at just about every point of the map.
my edit clarified what i meant about "my map" because the changes that i have made make the map partly mine. if you want to imagine yourself a little "me and boongees map" rather than seeing "my map" go ahead- you are already completely ignoring basically everything i have said.
i have never, not even once ever tried to mislead anyone into thinking that i was the sole creator of this map, i said it in the first post, and when anyone has questioned about the map i have given them the origins of the map.
seriously, you are trying to pick a fight with me about this when i have made sure every step of the way that nobody confuses me as the original creator of this map.