[ Storyline: ]
Many moons ago a dark force threatened the earth. A dark force that withstood all men, elfs, and any other creatures lurking the earth. The battle raged between the
Dred Lord of
Ravevior, and the race of the living. Towns were shreaded demolished and an army of the dead rison in power of
Ravevior. Plans to summon the
Ombolisher threat every last hope. It threatened all of humanity until a hero was made. A hero of pure
hope and light, the one who withstood the
Deamons of the darkness and stopped the chaos once in for all, The hero that would save the world.
You, the young hero, must destroy this darkness by all means. Town by town you with forge the Dark Lord untill darkness only remains in the shadow's of bikery hell where from there you will destroy Ravevior once in for all and bring light throughout the world once again.
[ G ame Play: ]
The over all gameplay for the map will partake in alot of quest-like goals throughout the entire map. True the map is based on defeating the "
Dred Lord" but as a young hero, there are many other challenges you must face on the way to achieving your goal.
As you progress in the killing of enemy threats, you will notice your power level going up. In which you will become stronger, and will be able to withstand more attacks,
(higher HP).
Keep in note that this is map one of serveral maps. This is just the begining tale to a much bigger event that you will find out as you beat
Seige of Aberoth.
[ S pells and Items: ]
There are various spells and items that will help you throughout the game. Using these spells could help boost your HP, raise an element to assist you, and much more. Below i will post some of the various Items and spells that you will get apon success in the game:
Violet Herb(Note: Items will be updated as more are added to the map)
[ S creen Shots: ]
City of A
- Serves as the main city in the map
- Very important and very secure
(Note: More screenshots will be added as the terrain and triggers is progressed)
[ Statics: ]
- Terrain: 5%
- Triggers: 1%
- Quest Script: 2%
- Over all outlook of the map: 5%
[ H elp Wanted: ]
I am currently looking for someone to assist me under the lines of:
- Terrain
- Triggering
- Storyline
- General Idea's
- Quests
If you are interested in helping in this map, please notify me and i will see if you have our "requirements" to part-take in this project. All help is greatly welcomed with credit on our map. Anyone who can assist me throughout the whole project will be given 50% credit.
[ U pdates: ]
<6/16/05> Official Thread is finally up. I included one screenshot of the main city. I hope this will atleast show you a little taste of what is to come. More updates soon.
[ A ffiliation: ]
Currently Affiliated with:
Staredit Network
Clan Wc3G [Clan LoST]
[ P artners: ]TRiGGaMaSTa: Triggers and General Ideas