Ok, sorry I haven't replyed in a while. Real busy with tons of stuff.
Well, first off, I would like to thank you for your ideas. So, heres an update to what is going on. Me and a bunch of other people have so far pretty much just made each persons character. Because most of the people that are playing don't know the entire rules and/or don't know most of the info (like weapons, armor, feats, skills etc.) about DnD.
So, I have to take them through the character creation process so that they aren't missing everything. Also, I am the DM. And I have a sheet for each person with all of their characters stuff on it.
So far, I am doing some quests for 2 people. And another we alsmot started playing with. We are in the very begining part though.
Since I can't get the map fulling working, we just play in a channel and use a bot for dice rolling. It has been going OK so far, but for fights we don't have a board to play on.
For the map, heres what it will have.
Several sections of checkers to show the battle grid.
A dice roller for a D4, 6, 8, 10, 20
All the heros are civilians so they can't attack stuff the DM puts in (that way the DM can just kill stuff he doesn't need on the board anymore)
The spawner is an Arbiter, so you get recal and cloak stuff you make so they don't know what is coming up yet.
The DM makes whatever unit for free and brings it to the teleport area, where they then spawn at the arbiter.
The names of units have not been changed, so that the DM can do things like "make some dragoons and those are giant spiders, put some zerglings in and say they are goblins, etc.
Also, what I am planning on doing is just having a unit count as a wall, maybe a dragoon or something of that sort. And we will only need to make an area for like inside a dungeon, or house, etc.
With outdoor battles, certain units could be used to count as trees, or outside of a house, etc.
And if they heros want to enter the house, the DM can teleport their civilians to another seperate checker board, and start a new are inside the house. That way the outside stuff will remain in tact, and wont get in the way of the new area.
If you have any other questions or idea, please reply.
BTW, the dice roller is working properly (I only have a D4 though), however, the result of the dice roll is only shown to the person that rolled the dice (I HAVE NO IDEA WHY

I attached what I have done so far for the map.