How This Map Came to Be This map first started off 2 years ago, when I was dumbly trying to make the smallest map(64x64) possible to distribute linkin park music freely over bnet. But I hadn't a clue about music compression, or anything else with stereo/mono in staredit wavs. (I would upload it so you could see but its 40+ mb) So I eventually gave up on that and made my map into some sort of RPG/Defense. I had only 2 Modes, Sunken and Ghost Towers (cloaked bunkers with ghosts in them). I added levels and more hero levels and thats where we are now.
Game/Map nameLinkin Park Defense Version numberGameplay 20 Different Levels (soon to be 25) will come in and try to destroy what you are protecting, dear old LP Home (please don't laugh, I had no better idea). It has 9999 health so your sure it won't die... ever... or will it?
How to play You start off with a chooser in front of you, right now there are only 3 modes to choose from, ghost towers, sunkens and cannons. Feel free to suggest any additional defense modes. After choosing which mode you would like to play in, you take your builder to any corner in the map that hasn't already been taken by another player and start building your defense.
Most people know how to play because they have already played hundreds of different of defense maps, but sometimes there are some frustrating people that I won't call (you know what) start building anywhere without regard for spawns or other things. And then they get frustrated because they aren't getting any kills and what not. Don't be one of them, read this thread
Anyways, after you've build your defense; take your civilian that you started out with at the protoss heal beacons to the temple where you upgrade your weapons. When you can upgrade you will automatically be notified, you will bring "yourself" to the temple and will be transformed into the next level.
Use civs at lower bottom center to buy items as in many other defense maps, you may place 2 civs on another player's egg and give civs to them. Try not to use the civs in the lower right, or you may end up banning yourself or someone else on aciddent; unless of course you plan on banning someone
If you get ghost towers be sure to upgrade, as some people never do.
Thats pretty much all of the playing instructions
Defense LevelsComing soon.
Hero LevelsCiv 0 Kills Invincible 5 Armor 0 dmg
Zealot 0 Kills 1000 hp 100 shields 10 armor 50 dmg
Firebat 25 Kills 1500 hp 15 armor 50 dmg(splash upgrade) +5 each up (at bay)
Marine 100 Kills 2000 hp 20 armor 325 dmg +5 each up (at bay)
Golith 175 Kills 1250 hp 75 armor 500 dmg ground 1000 dmg air
Sniper 250 Kills 4000 hp 200 armor 3000 dmg +5 each up (at bay)
Modes/Races that you can chooseTerran - builds ghost towers (cloaked bunkers with ghosts inside) 50 dmg +15 each up (at bay) Terran race is the easiest
Zerg - builds sunkens fixed attack of 275 (no air dmg) Zerg race is medium
Protoss - builds cannons fixed attack of 175 ground and 350 air Protoss race is hard.
got some mode/race ideas? post here!
Terran race in detail The Terran race can build ghost towers at 100 minerals each. They first start out with 1000 minerals to build with or upgrade with. Upgrades cost 5 minerals and each upgrade increases by 5 minerals. Because the Terran race is so easy, you can have upgrades for your hero during the time you are a firebat, marine, and sniper.
Zerg race in detail The Zerg race can build sunkens and ONE hatchery. Before you can start building sunkens, you must choose the area where you are building, (top/bottom left/right). After choosing the area on where you are building, a hatchery must be built to provide creep(duh). You must choose carefully however, the hatchery costs 300 minerals and you start out with 300 minerals, if you cancel it, you will not get additional minerals to build another one. Starting at with only 10 drones that build sunkens for free. After the 10 drones are used up, you must buy more for $1 when you receive money for killing at least 10+. The Zerg race cannot upgrade their hero with the bay.
Protoss race in death The Protoss race can build pylons and cannons. The Protoss race have no bay, so you cannot upgrade your hero or marines if you buy some. Cannons do weak damage to ground, at only 175, they are only good if you maze. The Protoss race cannot upgrade their hero with the bay just as the zerg race.
Based offMaze Defense 3
Tower Defense 2.9 Plus
Sunken 10 Way Advanced
Cops and Robbers
Island TD (Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne)
and of course... Linkin Park
ScreenshotsComing Soon
FirstsFirst Linkin Park based starcraft map
First Linkin Park thread in "Maps in Production"
OtherComments, advice, suggestions? feel free to post here... thats what its for right? Currently in beta, you can feel free to try it out if you wish. I'd also like to request beta testers, post if your intrested.
Developed in conjunction with Clan [RKS] visit the
Clan [RKS] Offical WebsiteOver there, I am known as [RKS]i/
Linkin Park Defense v0.46 Beta[progress]46[/progress] 46% Completed
[progress]99[/progress] 99% enjoy playing this map(information gathered from users who played the map when I hosted it on bnet)