Well It's not really a gunner system, it's more of a relativity system. Your unit moves, and a location moves in the same way, but at a different area.
The map might explain it better than me. But it's pretty simple.
There still a few bugs in it that I'm having trouble solving, maybe you could help me out.
It's a very nice system. It's like your holding a gun and moving but not change the direction of which your shooting. Like in CS when you shoot and strafe at the same time. Yea, I can see a few bugs like the scourge sometimes doesn't die right away and it takes a while before the location repositions itself to where it was originally when you move. Maybe you could raise the cooldown rate so the location has more time to move itself.
Nice system. Seems a little old though...
Old? How so? It's an original idea, I would think.
Am I right in saying that all it does is use the 8-way direction detection system and location moving systems together? It's a good use of already-established concepts.
Ok, I've been away from sc for a week
and have have expanded this (in theory) much more than it currently is. Basically using this idea along with a few others I could build an exact replica of Worms.
(Real worms, where you shoot each other with bazooka's,grenades, ect.) This system had a whole lot more potential than simply this example.
Okay, I made a map to randomly create terrain for WORMs. it's nearly perfect if you want it
randomly create terrain!?!?!?!?! O_o
Would it by any chance be similar to what Bolt_Head did in his Reflectors map? (except perhaps that the terrain is all clustered down the bottom edge of the map?)
Only it's way more advance... cause it's not just move location on thing and if switches are set make a machine shop randomly.. The terrain actually makes sense when it's placed so it's not straight for alittle then just dropps 1000 feet and back up and crazy random holes everywhere.
So no, it's not comparable to Bolt_head's reflector map. But it does use Tux's Mobile Grid System!! woohoo finally found a use for it.