Dundane Rpg - Created by : aE[PhantaC] & Fwop_
[I]1720 BC - The far away Land of Dundane
Note # 1 - 19 of Lunes, 1720
"I shall have their land! Do not appose to me or you shall face grueling consequences!" The man said ignorantly. No one had ever liked Lord L 'Alkon. The only reason why he had came to power was due to the fact that he had received the heir ever since the death of his father nearly 17 years ago. And for me, my name is Dziek, a normal child merchant that was captured and now is forced to be his slave. He had conquered my land in the year of 1725, rushing his massive army into my town, killing everyone except the men that could work. He had captured all the women for his pleasure and threw us kids in the barracks from the age of being captured to nearly 18 years old. He had believed that if he had got a hold of us kids at an young age, he would make us like slaves. For most of the kids that were in the same section in the bunker that I was in, had attempted to kill themselves. And if they were lucky, his grasp on them did work. Most of those warriors out there were kids my age. Using these kids as his evil minions, making other towns easily give up since they knew these kids were innocent. As goes for my mother and sincere father, I have never seen them to this very day. Knowing that my family was either diing or killed, I gave all hope that is left on life... up. Even though knowingly that if he were to find this letter, it would be the end of my life. I write this letter hoping to tell the nearby lands, he will be soon launching an massive attack to the further lands in hopes of capturing them. Please, I ask of you. Do not fight for... you will end up like me.
Setting :
You are a fighter/mercenary fighting against the forces of L'Alkon
Players :
Two, three or four players
Map Style :
Mmorpg ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game )
Special Characteristics :
A fully interactive character select system :
First, Select From You Gender : Male or Female
Second, Select Archtype ( Were Did Your Powers Derive From ) : Naturally Skilled - Your a Natural
Trained Arts - Trained yourself to the limits
Radiation - Exposure to a certain item that gave you your powers
Third, You will be given a number of units that have matched your choice.
[B]Stat Point System[/B]
Agility - Defense
Strength - Damage
Vitality - Health
Energy - Magic Points
* Note - You will be able to equip items throughout the game, to make it more realistic, we have made it so you will be lacking __ to equip an item. To aquire those lacking points, you will have to upgrade what you are lacking.
Can open a vendor ( A personal store, so you can sell items to other players )
Six planned fully interactive towns : Lorencia - Male Unit Starting Town
Noria ( Elf Town ) - Female Starting Town
Devias - Ice Town
The Lost Tower - Tower of Untamed Souls
The Dungeon - Building of the Forgotten
Atlans - Underwater Town
Some Wild Monsters :
Budge Dragon ( Lorencia )
Goblin ( Noria )
Yeti & Elite Yeti ( Devias )
Bull Fighter & Elite Bull Fighter ( Lorencia )
Ice Frog ( Devias )
Ice Queen ( Devias )
Hound ( Lorencia )
Lich ( Lorencia )
Larva ( Dungeon )
Cyclops ( Dungeon )
Agon ( Noria )
Stone Golem ( Noria )
Only a Little Taste of the monsters to come
Random Switches to Make Your Quests Almost different everytime you play
Full Interactive Save and Load Game Trigger
255 Levels to Upgrade ( Nearly Guaranteed to take you almost a couple of Months to Beat )
Spell Casting System
Battle System
And More To Come Soon
Sounds like another cool RPG project. Pity it got pushed to the bottom of the page so fast.
A quick tip. Instead of having your character start with 5% health and gain 5% every time they add a stat point to health. Use a virtual hp system using the custom score. If you don't know how to make such a system, I can help you out.
Here is a hint, remember that you will need to have full healing potions in this RPG.
If you need help with any kind of RPG trigger systems what so ever (such as a random quest system), all you have to do is say the word. I am a master at advanced RPG systems.