I making a new rpg mape i haven't made screen shots because i haven't started testing it yet...
Its your basic but better rpg game.
The Story: In a galaxy far far away... there lives a master named L-unit. He is the comander of every planet but 3. Those three planets tried to get freedom but no one agreed. So the only way they could stop the L of L's was to kill him. Their plan worked but the warriors were mad. they made up a plan to vote for a new king and how to destroy the people who killed their king. Assualting was their plan but the 3 worlds were already prepared. there was a big battle and only 7 privates servuideda
You get to chose ur attack and defence... you start off with a zealot (begginer) and your upgrade points (have 2). Each point you get to chose wether you want to upgrade your attack or defence. You get these points with some money each time you lvl up. You get a different type of charracter each time you lvl up.
Theres also guns you can get like scarabs (bombs) and health packs (watch out for acid health pack). Theres shooting ranges you can practice at with units just roaming around all over the place. If you visit a caslte your sure to be attacked. And you'll need to get a job if you want more money to buy cool things.
Theres different worlds... the begginer world --- the road to hell world --- and the dungeon. You can go to any world at anytime only if you have to money though. but you have to make sure your strong enough. wach out for traps!
Monsters: (orderd from weekest to strongest)
infested laddy: att 3 hp 12 exp 2
lil fiend: att. 3 hp 24 exp 4
Hunted Archer: att. 2 hp 13 (rang) exp 4
lil mushroom: att. 5 hp 20 exp 5
big muchroom att. 18 hp 35 exp 24
( all bigginer world )
Big mushroom: att. 18 exp 24 hp 35
Slime Shooter: att. 20 exo 29 hp 26
Trap 1 (unkown): 31 exp 0 hp 234123412
Haunted Marine: att. 15 exp 36 hp 39
Transporter: defence: 10 hp 50 exp 34
Car: att. 35 hp 50 exp 40
Haunted Shroom: att. 46 exp 50
Unkown: att.(unkown)
Fast Easting Beast. att. 20 hp. 50
Spiky: att. 30 exp 51
Alien cannon: att. 35 hp 100 exp 69
more to be written
(the second world)
(third world)
Week god: att. 45 exo 70
Strong god: att. 56 exp 73