Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> My new map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-26 at 18:04:25
Me and devlin are making another map. We have brain stormed some ideas and i hope you understand what we are getting at.

Ok you start off with the ability to pick 5 guys with a dark templar. You will start with i guess an Easyer mode
A medium mode and a harder mode. There will be Three things where you have to choose 2 things. You will get a choice
2 pick 2 guys from the first 1(weaker skillz), 2 from a better 1(ok skillz) and 1 really good 1. Your dark archon
Will spawn under the guys you have chosen. The dark archon will and only a little room to move but will have to
Mind Controll A unit that you pick to kill the enemies. Lets say.. The weaker unit is only 10 Ves gass, it wil
Only shoot say 1 Wraith which could kill maybe 2 guys. Somthing like that. the better once will be able to kill
more. For a better 1 lets say(just putting it out there)

[] <-- Dark Archon
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] <--- The units You've selected. (i.e. Hydra, Marine, Medic, Zealot)
-------------- <-- Lane
[ o ] <--- Target

If you attack 1 it will shoot Stright. 1 wraith. Or lets say number 2 will shoot like  //.

Or it could be Different Attacks.. For example A hydra will shoot 3 Wraiths and go 's s 's
              s 's

S=Units. Like i hope that made sense. So thats about all i have and i would Hope to improve this.
This is what i got.

And the track would look like this:
[S]  [S]  [S]  [S]  [S]
[DA] [DA] [DA] [DA] [DA]
uuu  uuu  uuu  uuu  uuu

Basically you'd select a missile by unloading a unit of the same name as the missile from your Shuttle. Then, you MC one of the targets (depicted as a "u" on the crappy diagram above) and the missile would shoot to that target killing all the units in its path, or having some other special effect. Also there could be some special levels that require units to be hit twice to be killed (like Trigger Happy D).

And possible missile types would be:
1. Scourge - Good for speed, but small 1x1 kill radius.
2. Wraith - Fast missile with a 2x2 kill radius.
3. Science Vessel - Big and fast with a larger 2x3 kill radius.
4. Guardian - Slow and medium sized with a 2x2 kill radius.
5. Battlecruiser - Slow and huge with a 4x4 kill radius.
1. Observer (Speed Upgrade) - Kinda fast that creates a bunch of explosions under it as it moves. Has a large 5x5 kill radius. And it can even kill special units (the ones that normally take 2 hits to be killed) with 1 hit.
2. Carrier - Not a killer. This missile just stops all the units it comes across with a 4x4 radius.

I would like some ideas for More missles or anything else.

This will probly be a 3-4 player game
No name yet.

Any UNclearification please ask.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hitl1r1 on 2005-06-26 at 18:21:55
And possible missile types would be:
1. Scourge - Good for speed, but small 1x1 kill radius.
2. Wraith - Fast missile with a 2x2 kill radius.
3. Science Vessel - Big and fast with a larger 2x3 kill radius.
4. Guardian - Slow and medium sized with a 2x2 kill radius.
5. Battlecruiser - Slow and huge with a 4x4 kill radius.
1. Observer (Speed Upgrade) - Kinda fast that creates a bunch of explosions under it as it moves. Has a large 5x5 kill radius. And it can even kill special units (the ones that normally take 2 hits to be killed) with 1 hit.
2. Carrier - Not a killer. This missile just stops all the units it comes across with a 4x4 radius.

I would like some ideas for More missles or anything else.

For the Intermediate you could do more specials
1. Three scourges- Fast, kills enemy in 3x1 radius
2. Corsair- Fast and small, stops enemy in 2x4 radius
3. Overlord- Medium, kills enemy in 3x4
4. Corsair and Battlecruiser- Corsair stops enemy in 2x3,and battlecruiser comes behind and kills in 4x4 radius
Thats all i could think of so far.And
           1.DT------|2. DT----|--3.DT-|4. DT---| 
            |-U-U-U--|--U-------|------U-|----U--- |
For three scourges. For Corsair. For overlord. For corsair and Battlecruiser.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-26 at 18:43:30
Yea that sounds good. Thanks man. IF any1 has anymore Input i would gladly like to hear it. Thanks again.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-28 at 14:35:05
Not bad, except those missiles seem like the basic missiles with a larger kill radius. "INTERMEDIATE" is supposed to be a mix of killers/specials.

For example one could be an Overlord (not the speedy hero one) with a 2x2 location around it that only kills 1 unit, but also places some burrowed Infested Terran units on the track to stop future waves of units. Another could be a heat seeker that hunts the unit closest to the end of the track.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Atreyu) on 2005-06-28 at 20:03:02
sounds cool guys GL on it biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-28 at 20:28:38
Well does any 1 have any ideas. for missiles. Like i cuold tihnk of some but i really would like some original ideas. Please help me out here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 02:31:20
1. Scourge - Good for speed, but small 1x1 kill radius.
2. Wraith - Fast missile with a 2x2 kill radius.
3. Science Vessel - Big and fast with a larger 2x3 kill radius.
4. Guardian - Slow and medium sized with a 2x2 kill radius.
5. Battlecruiser - Slow and huge with a 4x4 kill radius.

1. Corsair - Heat-seeking missile. Goes after the enemy closest to the end.
2. Overlord - Slow and medium sized with 2x2 kill radius. Kills only 1 unit, but places 2 burrowed Infested Terran units to kill future units.

1. Observer (Speed Upgrade) - Kinda fast that creates a bunch of explosions under it as it moves. Has a large 5x5 kill radius. And it can even kill special units (the ones that normally take 2 hits to be killed) with 1 hit.
2. Carrier - Not a killer. This missile just stops all the units it comes across with a 4x4 radius.

So we're missing 3 more.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 10:29:26
1. Scourge - Good for speed, but small 1x1 kill radius.
2. Wraith - Fast missile with a 2x2 kill radius.
3. Science Vessel - Big and fast with a larger 2x3 kill radius.
4. Guardian - Slow and medium sized with a 2x2 kill radius.
5. Battlecruiser - Slow and huge with a 4x4 kill radius.
6. Valkyrie - Fast missile with a 3x3 kill radius.

1. Corsair - Heat-seeking missile. Goes after the enemy closest to the end.
2. Overlord - Slow and medium sized with 2x2 kill radius. Kills only 1 unit, but places 2 burrowed Infested Terran units to kill future units.
3. Scout - Fast missile with a 2x2 kill radius. Kills 1 regular unit, and 1 special at a time.
4. Dropship - Able to move Infested Terran units to a new area, to stop other future units.

1. Observer (Speed Upgrade) - Kinda fast that creates a bunch of explosions under it as it moves. Has a large 5x5 kill radius. And it can even kill special units (the ones that normally take 2 hits to be killed) with 1 hit.
2. Carrier - Not a killer. This missile just stops all the units it comes across with a 4x4 radius.

There I hope that those three units are good enough for you, if not you can change them. biggrin.gif Good luck with the map you guys, as soon as you get some terrain completed, it would be nice to see what this is going to look like. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 10:40:38
Hmm not bad. I'll keep the Valk for sure.

Unfortunately the Dropship one may be a hassle because it will only move your Infested Terran units if I were to do it, and it wouldn't have a very long range because players can only target directly across from them.

The Scout is good as well, I'm just not sure if we'll have regular and special units going at once.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 10:50:39
Yes i knew Slayer would help me out Eventually. Thanks Slayer. I agree with devlin of course he knows whats right. Anyways If any 1 has any more ideas for the map in General or for more missiles please Enlighten me. I would be very Greatful for anything.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 10:52:26
Of course I know whats right. I am godly at sitting here and prancing around behind the name "DevliN." FEAR ME!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 10:56:35
Your feared don't worry. Anyways. I think that we basicly have the low down on the missisles anyways. I think we just need ideas for Xtras which we could think of, i'm just looking for ideas. I'm going to start our outline soon. If devlin can start it acually sense i really suck at it.. So if there is anything you guys have to reccomment it would be appriciated.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 12:36:49
Hmm not bad. I'll keep the Valk for sure.

Thank DevliN for taking my idea. biggrin.gif

Yes i knew Slayer would help me out Eventually. Thanks Slayer.

No problem Snipe, just trying to help you guys make this map even better with what little I can do. biggrin.gif

So ideas of Xtras in your map. Hmmm..... well you could have like a Freeze Core that you could buy/earn which would turn all of the enemy players neutral, but you could still kill them. biggrin.gif That's all I can really think of right now, sorry for the little help right there. sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 14:37:04
Yea that sounds interesting. I like it. I really need to get an outline done though.. Sense devlin is working on that thing with Ultimo its hard tongue.gif. Anyways Thanks again slayer. I'm sure i will think of many things when the time comes.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 14:39:56
Alright! Well anytime soon when you will be posting up screenshots? I am very Anxious on what a piece of your guys's map will look like. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2005-06-29 at 14:41:46
So am i. lol we have nothing. I'm waiting for 1 unit D to finish. Once i do that Devlin will start on this. I tryed to make a layout but i'm not that good at it. For what i have to do anyways its more difficult than it looks. ANyways. I will post Screenshots asap.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 14:46:05
Alright, good, I am looking forward to seeing them. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 20:36:29
Snipe, I'm doing the terrain soon. I'm at my friend's house and he has to go somewhere, so I'll have plenty of time to hijack his computer and work on the design for it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 21:15:47
Nice Dev. Way to Hijack your Friends computer. biggrin.gif But hey if it get's the job done, Iam all up for it. Good luck with the terrain DevliN.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-06-29 at 21:48:17
Damnit my friend reformatted his computer a month ago and hasn't reinstalled StarCraft yet. And on top of that, he can't find the install disc. So I can't do the terrain because I don't have StarDat.mpq. Damn it all!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-06-29 at 22:52:45
What a total gutbuster! Well then DevliN we will just have to wait then. disgust.gif
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