QUOTE(Season @ Jun 27 2005, 10:51 PM)
Warhammer got really mad?
Me get a life? Look at you on SEN 24/7... I think your the one that need's a life.
Maybe when you lose all your baby teeth you can come say something.
(Warhammer tried to hury my feelings... Ah well, Better luck next time though.)
Firstly, Im glad im not a poser. Secondly, I didnt post in a AM I HOT OR NOT thread, like you, you stupid toolbox. Thirdly, im not on SEN 24/7, Because
-Well of course im on alot, its summer
-Its my homepage, which means its always on. (Computer On=FireFox=On)
Fourthly, at least im not a stupid wannabe like you. Im myself. I made up that thing you stole, but i know how much you wanna be like me! But guess what
You cant you stupid wannabe!