Kingdom v[Beta]
In Kingdoms, there are four different types of players, There are "Kings","Knights","Mercinaries" and "Nobles". Each have there own objective and a few different ways they can go about wining.
Players: 1
To stay alive for the enitre game
Defeat the nobles (If the nobles are evil)
The king is 1 player, the king will reside in his castle, protect by the Kinghts of the "Knights Guild". The king will start with much money and will be able to pay the Mercinaries to kill the nobles, or pay the mercinaries to not kill them. The king may not attack the nobles directly, but the king may attack the Mercinaries or Knights at any time. The king will have peasants in his castle that can repair his castle stronghold or mine minerals for money to use to pay off any number of attackers. The king may also use the money for his own good, building up his defense to protect himself from invaders, but even a heavy defense will not be able to protect him from the might of the Mercinaries.
Players 2:
Protect the King at all cost
Defeat the Mercinaries
Defeat the nobles (If the nobles choose to be hostile)
The knights are controlled by 2 players. Each player has 3 knights at his disposal and can train more with the donation of peasents and money from the king. The knights are not nearly as powerful as the mercinaries, but if played stratically and cunningly the knights can defeat the mercinaries, but if the mercinaries are killed and the nobles are evil, there is no one left to kill the nobles, which causes the knights to loose. The knights have a slight advantage over the mercinaries when in the kings castle, The knights see all (even cloaked units) when in the castle and also have the option of taking out their bow and striking down the mercinaries from behind the walls of the castle. They also have the job of protecting the king from any attack by other countries or bandits that may be out for the kings blood. The knights may not attack the nobles, or the king.
Players: 1
To gain enough money to become powerful enough to take on the Knights guild, the Kings castle and the Nobles Village.
Kill the king after gaining over 25000 gold (minerals)
Kill the nobles after gaining over 25000 gold (Minerals)
The player controling ther mercinaries, gets 2 mercinaries to use. The mercinaries are very powerful, and very greedy. The mercinaries main job is to get as much money as possible and kill as many people as possible. The mercinaries have the ability to threaten the king, and the nobles, and can get money from them easily, If there are no knights in the castle the mercinaries can go in and out of the castle undectected using their cloak ability. This also gives the king a feeling of uncertinty of knowning a mercinary could be ready to strike him at any moment. Mercinaries can also upgrade their attack and buy new weapons and abilities to aid them in there quest for blood and money. The mercinaries may attack anyone at anytime.
Players: 2
Kill the king.
Pay the mercinaries to kill the knights then take out the king themselves.
Join forces with the King to defeat the mercinaries.
The nobles will have some of the same abilities as the king, they can use peasants to mine minerals (gold) for them to pay the mercinaries, they can also build up there defenses, The nobles can attack and kill the king and the king will not be able to fight back, but the knights can easily defeat the nobles if they suspect the nobles are out to kill the king. The nobles will choose at the begining of the game to either be loyal to the king or betray him, inherit the throne, and take over his fortune. If the nobles choose to be loyal and the knights slay the nobles the knights loose, as do the nobles. Which also leaves the king vunerable to attack. The nobles can also join forces with the king to defeat the mercinaries and the knights. The nobles cannot build building defences but can build units for fighting, so if enough gold is given to them by the king they can defeat the mercinaries and the knights, although if the knights or the mercinaries suspect something they can easily defeat the nobles and end their treachery.
Sorry for the bad spelling, I did this very quickly.
I know its kind of confusing, but it takes thought and stratagy to win. You must outwit an outlast your opponet(s) to win.
Let me know what you guys think, I'll have some screenshots to show you shortly.Very interesting idea. It's original, to say the least.
I have to say, though, the King slot seems rather boring to play.
How would you go about killing the mercinaries if the knights cannot beat them unless they are defending the castle and the mercinaries don't attack?
I think you should make the Nobles have to betray the King, otherwise they could all gang up of the mercs and it'd be an easy game.
Just suggestions, of course, it's your map.
Yes suggestions are good thanks, The reason the nobles have a choice is to be able to decive the kings, The kings could never be sure if the nobles are lying or not, it could just be a trap, to get the king to give up his minerals to the nobles so the mercinaries can strike when the king has spent little money on his defense. Therfore the nobles would win by getting the king killed.
The king job may seem boring, but the kings decisions matter the most. 1 mistake, if the king trust 1 person that is not trustworthy it could lead to the death of himself, He must also spend his money as wisely as possible and be able to nogiate and not trust anyone. He must decide that when the mercinaries say "Hey im in ur castle and I could cut ur head off any second unless you pay me" he must deciede weather to pay the mercinaries or bring in knights, but if the mercinaries really are there and he brings in the knights then the mercinaries could kill the king before the knights have time to get there. Its all stratical for the Kings, The other more phyical stuff he gets to do is repair, build, and improve his castle.
If the mercinaries do nothing, Then they gain no money, Without money for upgrades they are vunerable, If they never get any money and the knights get a lot of money then the knights can spend money to upgrade and kill the mercinaries. If the king just refuses to pay the mercinaries can go in and kill him in an instant, but the mercinaries would much rather gain money before killing (the mercinaries also loose if they kill the king before they have the right amount of money) but the king will never know if the mercinaries have enough money or not.
Wow! This idea sound terrific! It's all based around deception, huh?
All you BSers out there! THIS IS YOUR GAME!!!
lol, seriously, cool idea.
Need a tester?
QUOTE(Shapechanger @ Jun 27 2005, 01:38 AM)
Wow! This idea sound terrific! It's all based around deception, huh?
All you BSers out there! THIS IS YOUR GAME!!!
lol, seriously, cool idea.
Need a tester?
Yup! Deception is the name of the game, and Since you ask, If I need a tester (and I probably will a little further down the road) ill let u know by PM.
Oh, and why does it say you 'Don't Make Maps'?
(Off to bed, G'Night)
QUOTE(Shapechanger @ Jun 27 2005, 01:51 AM)
Oh, and why does it say you 'Don't Make Maps'?
Even tho this is off topic Ill answer it anyway, Just because I can lol.