Report, edit, etc...Posted by 1337(U) on 2005-06-30 at 20:15:56
Okay, This is my second attempt at making a melee map. I know for sure this one is better then the last one I made.
But this may still suck's, But im getting there. Im trying to get idea's from other maps on how to get my map to look good. So here is an attempt at creation. -- Screen Shot attached --
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-06-30 at 22:23:13
From what I can see, I think that the choke, the one bridge, needs to be expanded a bit.
Thats the only suggestion I'm confident about commenting on
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2005-06-30 at 22:45:02
¿Donde estan los expos?
(Where are the expansions)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by decafchicken on 2005-06-30 at 23:10:14
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jun 30 2005, 10:45 PM)
¿Donde estan los expos?
(Where are the expansions) [right][snapback]249553[/snapback][/right]
Donde estan el mapo? (where is the map)
All i see is a main, bridge and some doodads with some squares of water. Look at some of the other maps here to get a general idea of how to shape you map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yenku on 2005-07-04 at 19:07:53
QUOTE(decafchicken @ Jun 30 2005, 11:10 PM)
Donde estan el mapo? (where is the map) [right][snapback]249588[/snapback][/right]
Corrections: ¿Adonde esta el mapa? At least i think its adonde
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2005-07-04 at 22:22:09
Adonde is "to where" or something like that
Report, edit, etc...Posted by doodle3000 on 2005-07-05 at 08:41:54
Another melee map
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nemus on 2005-07-05 at 09:44:41
Another melee map
Eh, what did you expect in the MELEE forum?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sonoco on 2005-07-05 at 16:03:48
QUOTE(doodle3000 @ Jul 5 2005, 06:41 AM)
Another melee map [right][snapback]253445[/snapback][/right]
Haha, Maybe we should just give up melee map making now that people are getting annoyed