Hey.. You may say "it looks quite similar to Snowy Crystal". You are right but it wasn't intended to

. Well it's different of course, there's 2 island instead of 1, Each main have a natural inside their base without gas, the second natural is on the other side of the river.. The middle expand is neutral and mineral only. The route is pretty short between both base, i will have to try it out to see if troups pass on the bridges or pass through the middle. The middle is open to flanking too. You can also notice that the natural min only is easyly defeatable becasue i let a peice of dirt in the water to let ennemies strike em. The island expand is really different from the others i did before. The gas is on the upper side of the mineral which separate the island in two parts. With that mineral making impossible for terran to lift, terran will only be able to mine mineral and won't get an early advantage. Here is it...
Have fun

Thats the most important.