I havn't done a map in awhile, and now I remember how little talent I have. But whatever here it is, feel free to point out imbalances, suggest stuff etc. I don't really have much confidence in this map, but I think it's at least worth a look. If anyone wants a game on it, state so in the thread.
As you can see, I try to do something new in my maps so I can make up for my lack of ability.
I'll 1v1 you on the map.

Wow the one time i check up on the site i see you made a map, pretty lucky.
Ultimo, how about a comment on the map.
I think there are too many expansions clustered in the corners of the map. It takes use away from the top left and bottom right of the map.
I think you should try and find a way so that players will have more of a use for those wide open corners.
And about that natural, I like it. Its a risk, take it and you could possibly get bombarded by tanks, only way to stop that is early air.
Dont worry man, after looking at my maps the past few days, i realized how crappy they were, the only one i sorta liked was Tranquil Forest, and its to blood bath like, the games dont last.
After our last game ultimo, I'll never 1vs1 you again. Note for anyone, Ultimo has really bad manners. He doesn't quit when he's lost, and he'll try to hide pylons all across the map to survive as long as possible, and waste your time.
LoL, I was just pissed off before that. Sorry about that. And it's manners. -.-
Just a personal opinion but the mineral blocking things looks really retarded as being the only way out of your bace...
There's a ramp.
To tell the truth, the only reason I made the choke a ramp was cause I thought it would mess up zealots trying to block scouts, but now that I think about it, there are quite a few maps with wide entrances... It'd probably be better without those ramps (it was a pain to get them in.
What? you want to remove the ramps? I dont know if thats a great idea.
Oh nevermind, i thought you meant blocking the entrance and just having another entrance by the nat. Just forget about what i said..
Have you found the mineral lines affecting the pathfinding yet? Or does it have no effect on it. It seems as though the units would get confused when moving around.
Also don't the backs of the nats seem a bit too easily accessible? Seems easy to harass

Heh could be fun though I can imagine it now.
A few things I'd like to had changed/added.
1) Have a Vespene Geyser at the natural expo.
2) Blue's cliff next to his main base is really close to his expo (unlike Red's).
3) I like how you made a mineral wall but ranged units would really own workers and that expo.
4) Red's cliff next to his main base is bigger than Blue's

I think it'd a nice map. Some variation in the terrain would be nice.. you have a lot of long stretches of flat ground. Trees, high ground.. these all effect battles.
With these long straight bits, you can see the enemy's army coming from your maximum sight range. Maybe you could put in some high ground in strategic places, so that a small group of zealots or M&Ms could wait in ambush around a corner. Or whatever.
erm..the expoish minrals by reds base are really cheap, especially if your terran and you can just float the cc there in like 5 seconds when youre done with your main's minerals.