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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Deep Blue
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2005-07-04 at 11:16:17

[ D e e p . B l u e ]

.Sense they possessed not
. . ...Soul they had not
. . ...Being nor bearing
. . ...Nor blooming hue

. . . . . . . [ T h e . E d d a ]

After releasing LoH, I decided to take a breather and work on a small concept map like Dabbu's rock blocks map. I kept fiddling around with ideas and before I knew it, I found a nearly complete RPG engine on my hands. Since then, I've been working on a story (which will not be explained in great detail in this thread) to go with the map, and now I think it's time to bring this project out into the open. This thread will be updated once a week (or something like that) with news and concepts.

[ S y n o p s i s ]
It's been seven years since I left my life behind to sail aboard a ship bound for the farthest reaches of the planet. But from the moment we left port, I knew I'd made a mistake. I never should have left her! For seven lonely years, I've longed to see her smile. Dear sister, do you still remember me?

Sinis is returning to his home town after a seven year stint aboard a ship with no name. Seven years is a long time, though, and the world that he left behind is no longer what it used to be.

The story will unfold as you play the map.

[ S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ]
  • Single player
  • Tileset: Jungle
  • Map size: 128 x 192
  • File size: 2-5 mb

[ G a m e p l a y ]
  • Real time combat
  • Manual combat (player controls attacking/blocking manually)
  • Console-based character management
  • Small but intimate world
  • Story-driven game with side quests and extras
  • Highly balanced units (most fights will be one on one)
  • Riddles and logic puzzles require the player to think his way through various scenarios and areas

[ F e a t u r e s ]
  • Item slot system : Allows the player to assign items to a button for fast and easy access.
  • "Action" button : Inspired by Zelda: OoT, this system allows the player to use a single button to do a variety of tasks in different situations. (Think about how in OoT you could use the A button to climb, push, attack, etc.)
  • Interactive shops : Players can scroll through shop menus or talk to shop owners using the interactive menu systems.
  • Equipable armor : Armor with different stats and modifiers can be purchased in shops. Modifiers include: +VIT, Fire Resist, and HP regeneration.
  • New HP system : An improved version of 'Virtual HP' allows players to see unit HP without the use of leaderboard or resource displays.
  • 8 usuable items : Includes healing items, evasion boosters, bombs, 'town portals,' and flares.
  • Standard qPK terrain : Need I say more?
  • More coming soon...

[ S c r e e n s h o t s ]

New ones pending

[ U p d a t e s ]
  • 07.04.05 - MAJOR
    • World guide posted
    • New thread opened
    • Map specs updated
    • Defiler function expanded (see "Action" button in the features list)

[ G u i d e .. B o o k ]

This section will cover some of the details in the game. The table of contents will be added as soon as more content goes up.
  • Item Index [snapback]111208[/snapback]
  • World Guide


[ I t e m s ]

user posted image Medicinal Herb
. . . . . A common herb with slight healing properties.
  • Purchased in General Store for 5 SEED.
  • Heals 1 HP.

user posted image Green Tea
. . . . . Drink your tea; it's good for you.
  • Purchased at the Evergreen Inn for 20 SEED.
  • Heals 5 HP.

user posted image Caramel Apple
. . . . . A sweet treat with strong healing power.
  • Purchased in General Store for 50 SEED.
  • Heals 10 HP.

user posted image Flare
. . . . . No light? No problem. (No matches required)
  • Purchased in General Store for 5 SEED.
  • Lights up dark places.

user posted image Bomb
. . . . . It looks like a toy, but don't be fooled! This thing is dangerous!
  • Purchased in Armory for 15 SEED.
  • Kills nearby enemies and clears rubble.

user posted image Traveler's Compass
. . . . . The latest in Solomon technology -- travel sized.
  • Purchased in General Store for 30 SEED.
  • Warps the user to a selected location.

user posted image Mint Drop
. . . . . This is no ordinary candy.
  • Dropped by certain enemies.
  • Freezes nearby enemies.

user posted image Evasion Powder
. . . . . Makes you really hyper. Some say it's just sugar.
  • Dropped by certain enemies.
  • You receive 1/4 normal damage for 20 seconds.


I n t r o d u c t i o n : H潻n

. . ...The land and sea shift ceaselessly underfoot. Pause but a moment, and you'll lose your bearings and be lost forever. That's why we wander -- it's the only way we can ever truly know where we are...

Like countless men before me, I left my home to chase a dream I'd never dreamt and found a place along the way to rest my weary feet. This land is called H潻n by the natives -- the name of an ancient legend, I am told. I have found peace on these islands; deep in the forests, on the towering mountaintops, amongst the villagers, and on the tranquil seas. I've journeyed across the island for nearly a year now, and I've compiled a guidebook of sorts to help those who, like me, wandered here and wish to call it home.

P a r t ..1 : Willow

. . ...A Quiet Village by the Sea...

Naturally, my first encounter with the land and its people took place in the port city where my ship landed. The city (if it can be called a city) is a quiet little place surrounded on one side by water and on the other by hills dotted with the houses of the villagers. In the eastern hills loom the mansions of the noble families while the somewhat less fortunate live in the houses to the west. As far as divisions between the people go, that's about it. For myself, I could not tell rich from poor in manner nor spirit. I was greeted with kindness everywhere I went by all except those of a certain group -- the Solomon Clan -- but I'll elaborate more on them later. Under the surface of the tranquility, however, I could hear the low rumbling of unrest. A single ruined estate could be seen burning day and night upon the eastern hills. I am told by the villagers that Solomon was behind it, but they seem to pay no mind to the vandalism. In general, the town is a pleasant place to stay, and a visitor can find just about anything he could need in the various shops. After a few nights at the inn, I strapped on my shoes and set out to see more of the land.

. . ...Willow Shops : Evergreen Inn, General Store, Treasure Shop, Merchant.

P a r t ..2 : Linden

. . ...A Peaceful Farming Town...

If you follow the road from Willow through the forest, you'll find this small farming village nestled in the cliffs on the eastern side of the island. When I visited Linden, it was still under development, but not want of friendly faces. Most of the villagers are still farmers, and only recently have chain stores opened their doors in this town. As there was no inn to stay in, I could not spend much time in this village. However, I could tell that of all places near and far, this village is as peaceful as they come. I can only hope that change comes slowly to these people.

. . ...Linden Shops : Cedro's Forge, General Store.

P a r t ..3 : Ash

. . ...The Sepuchral City...

The only way to enter the high-walled city of Ash is through the mountain pass near the center of the island. Once you reach the city, though, you will find nothing but a nearly-abandoned ghost town. It was here that Solomon first began his conquest of the land. The city itself is a giant cemetary -- at least Solomon was kind enough to dig graves for the dead. All who remain won't be staying for long, if they can help it. The problem is, they no longer have a means to leave. Without money and supplies, they'll never leave that hell-hole alive. I'm not sure exactly why Solomon would want to lay claim to an austere place like this, but logic and reason won't undo the damage to this wasteland.

. . ...Ash Shops : None.

P a r t ..4 : Evergreen

. . ...The Seat of an Empire...

Solomon chose Evergreen to be his imperial throne when he first rose to prominence. Since then, the city has grown rapidly, and it now exists as a model for Solomon's grand designs. Unlike the quiet townships of the region, this city is bursting with life and energy. Solomon is the hero of this crowded city, and everywhere he is hailed as the savior of the land. Some truly believe that Solomon and his legions will modernize the islands and bring prosperity to all. It's easy to scoff at this lofty idealism, but I can understand the appeal of the idealogy. Unfortunately, few amongst them have seen their savior's forces at work. All they know is what he's done for them, and they believe that he can spread the same good fortune to all inhabitants of the island. I didn't see a point in trying to persuade them otherwise, so I didn't argue. Hey, they are good people -- if a little misguided. Should you ever visit Evergreen, keep an open mind, and you'll get along just fine.

. . ...Evergreen Shops : Evergreen Inn, General Store, Cedro's Forge, Merchant.

P a r t ..5 : Warp Technology

. . ...Neither here nor there...

Ever wish you could go from place to place in an instant? Here in H潻n, you can do just that! The invention of warp technology has changed the way people on the island travel and how things are transported. One of the most intriguing applications of the warp technology can be seen in the shops you visit every day. Warping allows the owners to set up warp points around the island that warp you to their central locations the moment you walk in the door. Imagine my surprise at seeing the same shopkeepers in each shop in every city! Besides shopping, there are other applications for the technology that are appealing. Stores these days are stocked with personal-use warp items called "Traveler's Compasses." Though you can't use them to teleport just anywhere, you can go from any place on the island to any of the big cities -- provided you've registered with Solomon first. It was Solomon who invented it, after all, and naturally he's made a fortune off of it. Whether you agree with Solomon or not, his invention is something you should take advantage of.

P a r t ..6 : Solomon

. . ...Man of Mystery...

The most controversial figure on the islands is a man named Solomon. I've asked many of the islanders about his background, but I've found no satisfying answers. What they do know, however, is what he's done since his rise to prominence. He is the leader of a movement whose aim is the modernization of the islands. While this goal is noble in its own right, his methods are viewed by many as being rather draconian. Having found the current state of things unsatisfactory, he decided to bring down the institutions of the past and replace them with his own grand designs. To accomplish this, he raised a host of supporters (known as the Legions of Solomon) to carry out his plan. They go from city to city, setting the world afire with their creed. Though they have not yet spread to all parts of the island, their influence is starting to creep into even the most remote parts of the land. Interestingly, while his name is known fare and wide, few have seen the man whose burning hand has set fire to the land.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-07-04 at 11:21:01
Yes! qPirate is back in the house.

Well, I would criticise, but there isn't anything to criticise. As always, this map looks very, very good and promising! Question(s), will you be starting the map from scratch or starting with a previous version? As for testers go, do you have your select few or do you just randomly pick people? IF you just pick random people shifty.gif Can I help test?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LethaL on 2005-07-04 at 11:28:22
Hopefully this one will last until the end. happy.gif LoH was one of my favorite RPGs, and reading more about what's going on in Deep Blue makes it seem just as intimate. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-07-04 at 11:30:04
Nice... Finaly Pirate is BACK!!! How was collage... I think thats where you went...?
Anyway Im glad you decided to add some mroe things for me to read about this rpg the land is called H潻n and the explanations of the towns was great biggrin.gif Now For The Questions:

1) how The Heck Do You Pronounce H潻n
2) Is Ash a place you will need to visite regularly for quests or is it just there... it has no shops...
3) What do you mean by diffler function? You use DS and it does different things depending on where you use it?
4) Im guessing Evergreen is like the Capital City?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kingra on 2005-07-04 at 11:31:06
Deep Blue is back!
Your demo was pretty cool, the interactive system was great. I look forward to playing the actual map.
If possible, I would also like to help test Deep Blue.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2005-07-04 at 11:52:08
Slow down, everyone. I'm not really back to work on this. In fact, I'm still half-way across the world, but I found the inspiration that I needed to get back to work, and I intend to do just that when I get back home on the 6th.

I want this project to be a success as much as anyone, but I'm afraid that what happened last time might happen again -- that I might lose my motivation. If you're going to post things, don't just say nice things. Ask questions! Give opinions! If you want to know more about the story, just say so.

Testers aren't necessary at this point. It's way too early to test anything. When I start testing, I will ask for people to PM me or something. If you want to help your case when the time comes, I suggest you show that you are really interested!

I'm not starting from scratch. What happened was I put down the map for a while, and I'm now going back to it. It seems I'm not the only one, either. I hear Mp)3 is back, and so are some other great mappers. It's a renaissance of sorts! Anyway, wish me luck on this!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-07-04 at 11:54:11
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Jul 4 2005, 10:30 AM)
For The Questions:

1) how The Heck Do You Pronounce H潻n
2) Is Ash a place you will need to visite regularly for quests or is it just there... it has no shops...
3) What do you mean by diffler function? You use DS and it does different things depending on where you use it?
4) Im guessing Evergreen is like the Capital City?

Theres Your Questions tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-07-04 at 12:02:35
Well qPirateKing I hope that you don't lose your motivation on this like you did the last time you worked on it, like you said. sad.gif I hope that everyone will try and motivate you as much as possible and I will definetly be one of them, because I love your work that you do. It inspires me to keep on making maps. biggrin.gif I want to wish you all the luck that I have to go with you on this project and let's hope people will keep you motivated on this. biggrin.gif Good luck to you qPirateKing. Keep at it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2005-07-04 at 12:06:40
Wow awesome. The map looks great. drool.gif You better not be creating this hype for nothing, qP! happy.gif

I'm sure even a beta of this map will be successful, regardless of how much is completed. You have such a huge fanbase that I doubt people complain about it. So keep that in mind if you decide to disappear again. wink.gif

Oh and I'm tired of having to read the "New ones pending" under "Screenshots." Ease our addiction and give us a visual taste of Deep Blue!!1!11one. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-07-04 at 12:57:49
What will the hero units be?

How long do you think this map will take to complete? (Playing the game, not for you to release it) Will it be as long as LoH?

This is something that will help me with my map. How do you set your shops up? Do you set them up at the bottom and move the units to them? Or do you have the shops right there in the "city"?

Questions = Over

How's the for questions? bleh.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-07-04 at 14:25:05
Did you not play his demo?
His shops are set up on the right side of the map along with his console...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShinRa_Soldier on 2005-07-04 at 14:25:24
Glad your back,

This should be good, even better than LoH possibly. Good luck.

Are you still using the DT even though it can't uncloak anymore?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by noisuk on 2005-07-04 at 14:29:36
w00t qP is back! tongue.gif Good luck, yo.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-07-04 at 14:55:42
So this will have a more linear story, unlike Haean (which was kinda... storyless)?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by noisuk on 2005-07-04 at 15:01:48
I never understood Haen...

(Probally 'cause I never played it a lot.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-07-04 at 17:03:22
Fela... You obviously didn't even get to vent in haean because there is alot of story going on...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-07-04 at 17:40:40
You're right, I stopped playing after about an hour of repetitive gameplay.

*Edit* That doesn't mean I didn't like it. It just wasn't varied enough for me, that's all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-07-04 at 17:48:49
I can attach the Demo of Deep Blue if you guys want me to...

qPk, did you make the map larger? because from what i remember the map was tiny, and you barely had any room after you put in the two cities.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-07-04 at 18:04:05
Yeah man that would be nice. w00t.gif I never got to play the demo before, I went looking through the old Deep Blue back then and I couldn't find it. So yeah if you could post that up that would be great!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by 007Torrasque on 2005-07-04 at 19:16:36
Knock Yourself out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2005-07-04 at 22:01:19
Q: how The Heck Do You Pronounce H潻n
A: Hi - en

Q: Is Ash a place you will need to visite regularly for quests or is it just there... it has no shops...
A: Ash will be inaccessible for most of the game. It will be one of the final areas of the map.

Q: What do you mean by diffler function? You use DS and it does different things depending on where you use it?
A: The defiler was originally used to change states and use the gun trigger. Now, you burrow it and it'll flip switches or do other things. This will only happen if there is something nearby. If there isn't, you'll simply change attack modes.

Q: I'm guessing Evergreen is like the Capital City?
A: Yep.

Q: [Can you] give us a visual taste of Deep Blue!!1!11one [?]
A: Haha, sure. When I get back home on the 6th, I'll post a big pack of screen shots. I won't try to hide stuff as much as I did before.

Q: What will the hero units be?
A: The hero is a dark templar by default. If you change weapons, you can be a firebat or a ghost.

Q: How long do you think this map will take to complete? (Playing the game, not for you to release it) Will it be as long as LoH?
A: I expect at least 3 hours. I have no idea though! I haven't really finished the story yet besides the beginning and end.

Q: How do you set your shops up? Do you set them up at the bottom and move the units to them? Or do you have the shops right there in the "city"?
A: The shops are set up along the right side of the map. You touch a building and are transported to them. Read the World Guide's Part 5 for more details.

Q: Are you still using the DT even though it can't uncloak anymore?
A: Yea. I enabled vision for the enemy to counteract the "fleeing" effect where the enemies would run away from you if you hit them with a cloaked unit.

Q: So this will have a more linear story, unlike Haean (which was kinda... storyless)?
A: Haha, don't worry. This will have a linear storyline. Doing multiple endings and stuff would take too many strings. LoH was never finished due to location limitations, otherwise there would have been a separate story line for each player.

Q:qPk, did you make the map larger?
A: Yes! 128x128 was much too small. Right now the map is 128x192. After adding in 2 more cities/areas, I realized that I needed more room.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-07-04 at 22:06:13
yay... I was wondering after seeing this thread and looking at all the cities and stuff... How is he going to fit all this in? He only had like 1/4 of the map left and only 2 cities done...

Take your time, dont rush, Make this one of those revolutionary rpgs
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nemus on 2005-07-06 at 09:20:55

I'm downloading the demo right now.
You're an inspiration source - know that?

/ btw happy birthday - a month later ;D /

btw2ยด: Wouldn't you be needing a website for this project?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViLe(U) on 2005-07-06 at 10:13:53
I would like to say congratulations... This is the first, but most organized map introduction I have ever seen. Good luck and I bow down to you and hope that you will finish this. GJ.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2005-07-06 at 10:32:44
Your maps are more like artworks than actually playable maps (the Legacy of Haean RPG was wonderful, but boring tongue.gif). Didn't you ever think about making a mod for one of those maps? You could change how powerups look and such... make it perfect... I dunno.
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