Another suggestion for another section for SEN. I know this is a starcraft MAP website but since we support mods and discussion of other games could we have a forum to discuss starcraft stratagies? Or would that classify as just Games disussion?
"Games (P) :: Activity : 91%
For the discussion of Starcraft, Starcraft Brood War, other Blizzard games, or any other games"
Yeah...but talking about specific things about starcraft. Not just general stuff here and there.
If we divided those into Starcraft and Other Games both would be quite empty.
when sc2 comes out (lol), there can be a forum for sc strat
I'd rather not. And theres a good reason for that - because almost EVERY forum makes generic SC forums. SEN stands out by having only one forum dedicated to brood war related things (including other games as well), and mapping all the way.
The melee map making assistance and ideas forum (or whatever it's called) kinda does talk about SC strategy sometimes. But the subject of melee maps are always brought in some cases.