A 4-player deathmatch type of game. Much like counter-strike, or GunZ.
When you begin, you will be able to choose from playing timed mode, most kills in 30 minutes, or Goal mode, first to 100 kills. After that, you can choose between FFA, or if alliances are allowed. You then select 1 long ranged primary weapon, 1 melee secondary weapon, 2 items, 2 abilities. After that, you are randomly placed in a 100 x 128 arena to hunt down other players. Once you die, you respawn after 8 seconds and re-choose your items,abilities and weapons. Your sight range will all be the same(range of a zling). It may increase or decrease if you choose an ability, or item that will affect the range of sight. Stamina will also be a factor in thsi game. After running out to a certain amount of stamina, you will begin to slow down or stop completely.