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As many of you already know, I am working on a few last maps before finally leaving. I vow to finish these before I do, and I know that if I keep steady enough, my maps can stand tall. This is my first project that I am taking on before finishing the Everarcha RPG Series. This one should not take very long, but I assure you, that does not mean that it will be any less than what you may expect.
1945 and the RaidenX gamesYou have all played them before.You know, an airplane game where you move around a scrolling screen and you have to try and dodge the gargantuan mass of bullets while trying to hit this shift-shafting machine boss. Yeah. Those. But what I plan to do is to recreate these games and reimplement them into the SC Engine within a 3D environment. However, unlike 1945 and RaidenX, the map will be more RPG based than traditional fire/dodge. This is to give the map more feel, and to keep the game interesting enough so that you won't have to face the same thing over and over.
HP and BattlesTraditionally, like ERPG: TAC, your airship HP will be minerals, and your enemy's HP will be vespene, so you may easily track how much you and your target are sustaining. When either of you hit 0 on your gauge, you will crash and die. However, like ERPG: TAC, when you destroy your enemy target, the next one within the battlefield will become your new target, until all the hostile enemies are gone. This means that there will be an EXTREMELY new battle system accoring to 1945 and RaidenX. This is more of a dueling airship map than anything else. Targets are specialized with their own weapons and speeds and Hp, making each battle a unique and up to date one. Also, to make sure that Battles don't go off too far anywhere, you and your enemy will automatically rebound for eachother if you get too far, this keeps you both within a small range, and keeps you on your toes for the enemy.
There are also a variety of ways you can do damage, and also take it.
Damage SustainingYour HP, or in Flight known as "fuel", can be fluxuated in a number of different ways. There is first of all, crashing. Whenever you or your target come into contact with a different air unit; friendly or enemy, unit or building; both colliding items will lose HP. That means, yes, you can crash into your enemy target and deplete some HP at the cost of your own. However, certain crashes will cause more damage to you than it may to them, due to their armor points. Therefore, it is not advised that you take crashing as primary weapon to destroy your target.
There are a variety of Weapons that also deal damage that you can use, or enemies will use:
Shockwave - Emits an EMP shockwave capable of dealing moderate damage to nearby enemies
Shockwave Mine - Launches a floating bomb that Emits an EMP shockwave after a short amount of time, dealing minimal damage to nearby targets (including your own)
String Bomb - Launches a string of homing bombs that trail behind the user until nearby target, propelling them into continuously into the enemy target at minimal damage.
Air Mine - Launches floating bombs that explode and deal moderate Damage when in contact with
Gauss Rifle - Fire a strafing string of bullets at the target at a incrased speed, moderate damage
Goliath Bomb - Launches a slow, steady homing bomb that will deal massive damage if not destroyed or dodgedADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS OF 7/9I have decided to make the airship a Corsair (I'm now changing one of the Enemy units). This way, by using Disruption web, you may shift weapons during battles and
use other commands as well. There are two sets of weapons: Primary and Secondary. Primary weapons will be your main firing attack, that does moderate damage and is switched manually. Secondary weapons automatically fire no matter what Primary weapon you are using, I will generate a Secondary weapon list soon.
Crashing/RevivingWell, very simply it's like this. When the enemy crashes, he's gone...forever. But when YOU crash, you have the option of "ejecting". Yep. That means that you can shoot your pilot out of the plane before it finally crashes. However, just because you're safely on the ground doesn't mean it's all over yet. You'll have to survive past enemies and get back to an allied base. Once you do, you can re-equip yourself and if you can get back to your crash site, you'll recover your old items. As long as you keep your pilot alive, you're fine.
ItemsThere are certain items that are scattered around the map, and also that are dropped or awarded to you throughout the game.