Hi there !
I come here since you have been refered to me by Judas Cloud As you might help me in my campaign.
Here is the campaign !
But i apologize for my bad english... i'll have someone correcting ALL my text in the campaign so dont worryLegacy of the Terran !
( Heritage des terriens in french )
Feature :
- Rich storyline
- Multiple major Caracthere ( 13 in the first major Act )
- Campaign for 3 Player

( Only 2 playable, the third is an advisor/counselor. The campaign is playable with only 2.. but some mission will be easier if the third player is here )
- Veteran campaign ( first 6 mission are easy-medium, all other are.. well..
nasty )
- Will Have custom Protrait
- will have custom Music
- Will have plenty of cutscene ( even if i've even thinked of them yet.. forgot them in the first 9 missions

Legacy Of the Terran Part 1 on 4, 24 missions..
Héritage Des Terriens ( in French )
It is a world where the terran know they are alone in the galaxy. It is a time where terran spent they time to politics, running from the laws and to do weird thing. In this time. The world is united under the rules of the President ,who rules like a tyran over his people.
Lot of people want freedom and start to rebel again the imperial army and his president. But what can do a rag-tag army versus a well organised army ?.
The outlaws Francois wasn’t one of those who wanted to kill the president, but he is one of them who don’t recognize his autority. Above all the cost of the human live is less than a credit..
The human world is consisting of one planet. They have orbital platform but no warp technologies that will enable them to seek new planet.
And so it’s begin.
Legacy of the Terran part 2 on 4 , 24 missions.
Where Terran come back to live
Coming soon
Legacy of the Terran part 3 on 4 , 18 missions.
Where protoss and Terran make they stand
Coming soon
Legacy of the Terran part 4 on 4 , 36 missions.
Where Terran discover they Legacy.
Coming soon
Race page:
Terran :
The terran live on the planet Andromeda who is a lovely planet with lot of Ocean. They world is a beautiful one but the industrial factory slowly began to corrupt the planet.
Knowing only too well than one day the planet will not be able to support they race, the terran started to research space travel and new home. Alas, without technologies that enable them to travel faster in space, they know than they are doomed.
They population is around 60 trillion of people, and in the focus to conquest the space , about 5 million of people are searching day and night for a solution of the problem.
The protoss are stalwart warrior, bound to honour and strength and power. They live and die for glory. They are ruled by a conclave of 8 protoss who rule them when they reach 500 years old. They leader are Born leader. Not chosen. They are a martial people who can’t live a day without a good fight. For real or not. For there is no more glory than dying in bloody battle.
They are a telephatique race. Witch mean than if you see a strange creature and have violent headache, well, they are speaking to you.
Hero Roster Page ( Part 1 ):
Age : unknown
Unit : civilian
The narrator is me, Hyc-Chorale. I am your guide all the way of the campaign. I hope you enjoy the campaign as much I had to build it.
Feel free to e-mail me feedback at gaelh@vl.videotron.ca
Mike :
Age : 39
Unit : Firebat ( Guy Montag )
Mike enlisted himself in the imperial army at 16. He was a true believer in the right of the justice and wanted to track down enemy soldier in a good battle. He started as private and went good. But not long after, he realize than most of his mission was to track down people who, in fact, wasn’t soldier or killer.. almost all of his mission was to slain people who wanted freedom and didn’t pay tax in the hope to buy a ship and leave the planet… he start to revolt and each time, what he get was a promotion. So now he is a master Sergeant and can’t go further for 1 year before the present, he refuses to kill a poor man and he gets court-martial. The choose was indeed simple.. Stay in the army and never get another promotion, or death... he chooses to stay in the army but never truly forgive himself to his cowardice...
Age : 22
Unit : Marine ( Jim Raynor )
Francois is a man who lives only for the present and the feeling. He likes to do thing with a high percentage of danger or to wound himself.. He is a neck-broker. But he is also someone with a charisma unequalled for his young age. Young people easily follow him in any adventure. Still Francois is not willing to loose his men or friend for he can’t accept the fact than people die everyday. If it was only for him, he will save the planet and no one will die again.
Francois is a rebel from his enfant stage. Never listened father or mother. Always doing what he wanted. It was only natural for him to save his money rather than giving it to someone he even never meet or see. Leaded by his charisma, he regroups a small band of young people and settled shelter in a small town where he hope. The army will never come.
Age : 35
Unit : vulture ( Jim Raynor )
Jones was before a peaceful farmer with a family. He lived in a small town where life was good. Good man he always done what the government wanted, and never forgets to pay all the bill he has. Thing changed when the imperial army went in his village in search of an outlaw. Jones knows for some day that there was an outlaw in town but don’t mind it. After all, people are free to do what they want.
The army chief, frustrated to not having found the outlaw, but convinced than he was here, decided to burn down the town, even if it is still full of people. This day, Jones wasn’t in town, he was working in the wild, seeking for a piece of equipment he lost.
When he return, the town was burning and everyone in the town was burned alive… his family too.
From this day, he swears to destroy the empire and kill the president and all people who have done this. It wasn’t very long before he became the most feared mercenary on the planet.
Kirk :
Age : 37
Unit : Battle cruiser ( Jim raynor )
Kirk is a former officer of the imperial army. Friend of Jones since childhood, he never trusted the fact than Jones destroyed his own town, as was declarer by the army.
3 year ago, he stole a battle cruise who was supposed to be given to the president for his birthday, and from that day he is flying, and flying as far he can from every town. He always seeks to find his lost friend and ally with, but never truly got the occasion to stop running.
Kirk is a man bound to honour and a true believer in sacrifice and duty. If he decides than this think is the right one then he will stick to it forever. But if it is not. It will try to change it of destroy it.
President :
Age : 57
Unit : Battle cruiser ( Mensk )
No one knows his true name. But this man appears a day in the capital city and with a handful of men assault the capitol. He successfully killed the president and took his place autoproclaming himself President and killing everyone who try to stop him. That was 20 years ago. And from this day, he never stopped to gather Treasure. Rumour tells than he even has a harem of women, slave to him and bound to him for they whole live.
When something is in way, he removes it. Simply. Still, some people in the world think he can become a truly leader of the world if time is given to him. But for now. No one knows.
Wraith Escort.
Age : varies
Unit : Wraith ( tom kazansky )
Those 6 men are the most trusted men in who the president put faith. They are the men who help him kill the former president. They are living and dying for him. Serving him unquestionly.
They fly the most advanced aircraft the world ever has. They have the most powerful technologies at them disposal. They are without mind and never ask themselves if what they are doing is right.
Age : 54
Unit : Goliath ( Schezard )
Scherazd is the father of Marlene. He build the scientist complex long ago for he is passionate by botanic. His wife died giving life to his daughter and for this time, protect his child like a wolf. Former scientist, he given all his knowledge to his daughter and went to his protection. His idea was to found a way to use microscopic animal to grow plant and food faster than normal. But he never makes the end of his project.
Now too old to do research he prefers to protect the complex with his life. For he also crafted the unique Goliath he have. None Goliath are as strong and powerful than his.
He consider himself neutral but will do all it must be done for his Daughter.
Duke :
Age : 30
Unit : Tank ( duke )
Duke is a man who live by the book . if it isn’t writed in a book then it’s impossible.
He live and die for the imperial Army. Seeking to become the right hand of the president he is willing to do his biding without question.
He is a man who believes than hitting something one time with an extraordinary force than multiple hit with a lesser force is better than nothing. “If you can’t hit someone and putting him down in 1 shoot, then you are a women “as he said.
Absolutely without fear and remorse. He don’t hesitate to kill men even if they done nothing to him. Rumour said than he has even killed a colonel who wanted to fire him from the army. He even took his rank and place in the army.
Marlene :
Age : 25
Unit : Kerrigan ( ghost )
Marlene is the daughter of Scherazd. She’s a scientist. At 15, she took the research of his father and began to explore new way. By studying animal and other insect, she hopes to find a way to stop the famine in the world and to establish a bit of justice.
She is neutral to the president but officially support him. In sometime she doesn’t hesitate to use mercenary to get the supply she need.
She is a strong believer of the survival of the humanity and in the fact than the humanity is not alone in the galaxy.
At 20, she was enrolled in the scientist team of the army and began testing some experiment. She hopes to use his job to reach his father dream.
Age : unknown
Unit : Unknown
No file record
unknown :
Age : unknown
Unit : unknown
No file record.
Aldaris :
Age : 1053
Unit : templar ( aldaris )
Aldaris is the leader of the Protoss and master of the conclave. He is a true believer of the purity of the race and in the “only the strongest will survive “maxima..
He is a bold and wise leader for he ruled the protoss for almost half of his life. Inferior race don’t have the right to live for him. Only the strongest have this right.
He is bound to honour and power
Tassadar :
Age : 435
Unit : templar ( tassadar )
Tassadar is a general of the Protoss army. He is the favourite next leader of the protoss after Aldaris. But his vision make this function hard to achieve for he believe than all race have the right to live without interference of other race.
Aldaris found each opportunity to discredit Tassadar and try every time to get him down. But Tassadar is the hero of the protoss and the one who united all the clan in a whole race. .
He is in charge of the terran extermination by direct order of Aldaris. But somehow, he doubts the rightness of that.
Veteran Scientist, he is also the finest scientist of his race.
Download page
Legacy Of the Terran Part 1 on 4
Act I : The discovery
H.D.T.01 ; Did you pay your tax ?
H.D.T.02 ; Caught !
H.D.T.03 ; New Friends
H.D.T.04 ; First encounter
H.D.T.05 ; New hope
H.D.T.06 ; Where knowledge is the key
Act II : A new weapon
H.D.T.07 ; Do we lost our Tank capacity ?
H.D.T.08 ; Where knowledge is not important and survival is important
H.D.T.09 ; Baby-sitting
H.D.T.10 ; New shelter
H.D.T.11 ; New weapon
H.D.T.12 ; Where friend are dying
Act III : Where Honour isn’t important.
H.D.T.13 ; Mask fall’s
H.D.T.14 ; no where to hide.
H.D.T.15 ; When help come under un-expected form
H.D.T.16 ; Why do they help us ?
H.D.T.17 ; Making amends
H.D.T.18 ; Weak point.
Act IV : New world
H.D.T.19 ; When the enemy of my enemy is my enemy
H.D.T.20 ; splitting time for hope
H.D.T.21 ; Seeking Heaven
H.D.T.22 ; Knowledge is truly the key
H.D.T.23 ; When Justice is right
H.D.T.24 ; Where the end isn’t the one expected.
Legacy of the Terran part 2 on 4 , 24 missions.
Coming soon
Legacy of the Terran part 3 on 4 , 18 missions.
Coming soon
Legacy of the Terran part 4 on 4 , 36 missions.
Coming soon
Yet.. All project of this size have his.. how should i put that... Stone on the road...

I require to build a team to be able to finish the campaign in a decent time, for Alone i can build it, but it will lack lot of thing.
Here are my quality :
- good map tileset
- Strong storymaker and scenario
- Respectable at Trigger.
- Good to choose music
- Excelent team work
My weakness :
- Know nothing of protrait making
- Dont know how to use Stardraft or the like
- dont know how to manipule the MPG file..
To be honest, i
want this campaign to be completed. for Every player who have try the 9 first mission, just loved it even with all his bug

So i require 1+ ppl who have this ability :
- good in portrait making
- know stardraft
- know how to manipule MPG
- Know a lot about trigger to check over mine and find bug ( later there will be Beta tester )
- Very good english ( optionnal ) to check all the english.
- know how to make good picture for the website
I also ask to StarEdit, if they want to host the project, provide me a FTP acces too, I would be deaply honored.
If The staff of StarEdit want to Try the 9 first mission ( still with some bug.. but eh.. did i said it was the final release ? ) before debating about my request, well you just have to contact me on my Msn.
Please to all, Leave feedback for me so i can see if the project find some interest here i've just bookmarked the website on my explorer so i,ll be checking everyday.
To those who are willing to help me you
must be serious and professionnal . I'm tired of postposting my campaign.. i WANT it to live.
here is my Msn to contact me.
PLZ STAREDIT STAFF ONLY ! all ppl who want to help me reply to this post with referance. I'll contact them, Not you. All those who use my Msn without been a StarEdit staff will be banned of my msn imidiatly.
Msn : Gaelh@vl.videotron.ca <<- it is also my email. NO SPAM PLZ !
[attachmentid=11563]Hi back
Here is a preview

The first 9 mission. Still the bugged version but Working. i have to fix some trigger etc etc etc
Now please Note in mission 1 .
DONT PUT FRANCOIS in a BUNKER. That will bug a trigger and map will never end i know how to fix it. just have'nt the time yet
Mision 1 and 2, the White team must lose. yes yes.. it must lose.

Enjoy and please leave feed-back
mission 1-4 = easy
mission 5 = medium
mission 6= no rating
mission 7+ = veteran.