I got around to looking at my old maps. I hated them all except this one. I thought it had potential so i redid it. I made many changes and decorated it.
-I will add a mineral patch on the island expos so terran cannot float.
-I will add another gas to the 10 and 4 o clock expansions.
-I will finish up with terrain and doodads for last ver.
-I will make an obs version
- (Major Note) I could not find a got way to keep zerg from having to 3 hatch, i did my best and added an expo by the choke.
Linked Pic:
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/(2)Solar%20D...ay%201.3(n).jpgThe map is a bit rigged...
I saw somewhere (and it is true) that if the vespene gas is under your main base (or to the left of it), you will need 4 workers for maximum efficiency. So it is best to place all vespene to the left or on top of the main building.
I wouldn't call the map rigged if the vespene gas is on top for one base and the bottom for others since sometimes placing 4 peons on it is better than the positions. It's also very easy to fix without moving the gas too much by putting the one on top not directly above the command center but slightly to the side so it would also require 4 peons.
What he means is when the peons exit the vespene extractor they appear on the bottom. If the vespene extractor is on the top, then they don't need to go around the building to get to the nexus. Going around the vespene extractor takes up time adn therefore, you lose effeciency.
They don't appear at the bottem of the gyser. Even though it's not the case on this map... FYI: If it's in a 4 peon position on an expansion taken much later in the game, the player will not lose anything significant to 8 minerals per... 7 seconds er whatever it is.
Wow legacy. Im not going to say anything. I'll get banned from sen if I say what im thinking.
Can someone comment on the map? I made an update.
Edits for version 1.4:
-Tweaked location of the gas nat.
-Replaced Solar Array by the nat with a High Platform wall (not sure about this)
- Remade the expansions at the corners.
-Misc. Tweaks.
I think the 3 hatch problem is better, but i think it may be too easy to grab 2 expansions. But im not worried about this. I think the bases are like ash rose because of the min nat and gas nat at the choke (although gas is switched around, i thought it would be better this way)
Tell me what you think.
New link:
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/(2)Solar%20D...ay%201.4(n).jpgWhat's so bad about saying I think it's a bit rigged because of gas placement?
If you guys don't agree then fine...
A gas nat in base + only one other gas base in middle = harder for Zerg to out-gas Protoss.
I think adding expansions in the corners, instead of random unusable terrain, was a good move.
As a purely aesthetic change, I would change the walls around the center expansion; I personally think the zig-zags are a bit odd-looking. But changing that might affect the gameplay, I don't know.
I don't have much experience in playing or Mapmaking, but it looks like a great map to me.
I think adding expansions in the corners, instead of random unusable terrain, was a good move.
I originally had expansions there but i took them out, and i dont know what i was thinking.
Exobyte, there are two gas in the middle for zerg, if they take that they will have plenty. Plus if they upgrade ovies they can get the islands.