Yet another victim falls to the "How do you post screenshots" (Iam telling everyone there should be a How To Post Screenshot's tutorial)
I could tell ya' how to add in your screenshots.

1.) You take a picture of your screen in the Game, by hitting the
"prt scr" button on your keyboard.
2.) The screenshot that you took will be saved in your "Starcraft"
folder under the file extension of .PCX (Ex. screen00.PCX)
3.) Then you will need to change the filename extension to a .JPG
You can do this by downloading Infranview. Here's the link:
Download InfranView Here4.) Now if your not sure on how to change from a .PCX to a .JPG
just follow these instructions. Open Infranview>Open your screenshot
that you took in the .PCX extension>Then hit "File" "Save as">Then
in that window where it says "Save as type" click on the dropbar
button to bring up a list of file extensions>Choose the extension
.JPG - JPEG Files>There now you have turned a .PCX file into a .JPG
5.) Now to post the screenshot on SEN, just simply go down to the
"File Attachments" in the "Reply" button.
6.) Then hit "Browse" find you newly created .JPG screenshot.
Click on "Open" Then hit "Add This Attachment" right next to the
browse button.
7.) Once that's done, click anywhere on the text display box, where you would type in your stuff, then to the right of the "Add This Attachment" button you should see your file, then click on "Add Into Post" And there you have it, your screenshot has been added.

Hope you will get your screenshots up, from my long explaination.