Alright, I have already started on this map but it will basically be a dbz based laser tag game, with some special twists.
Normally laser tag has you trying to kill the opponent or get to 100 kills or w/e but this game will have multiple modes allowing lots of replay value.
- DeathMatch mode: kill the opponents men to get heroes first to either 1,10,25,50,100,150,200, or 250 kills wins (you can choose the amount)
- DragonBall Hunt mode: you can either hunt for the 7 DragonBalls and try to get all 7 before your opposing team or have team 1or2 already have all 7 and you need to try to get them before the timer runs out
- King of the Hill mode: every second that you have men in the hill and your opponent doesn’t gets you a point, first to get to 250 points wins
- Defend Your Planet mode: you have a bunker and a missile turret at your base or “planet” your goal is to kill their bunker and turret while defending your own, kill theirs and win
In all of these modes you will get heroes along the way.
- Heroes at 5,10,25,40,65,85,100,120,135,150,160,175,85,200,225, and 240 kills
Everything above is subject to change because im not 100% done