I was in a recent conversation with someone who doesn't really map, but is a friend of mine. He was just checking out the site.
He asked me why people were swearing so much. I responded that we dont mind if its in good taste, which is why we kept it. About 60% of the topics he entered, had some kind of swearing on the page.
I had then realized, that so many people were coming onto this site, angry, fighting, and couldn't debate or accept anyone elses ideals. I hadn't seen it before, but it was horrible.
So, in desperation, I brought the swear filter up and put every word I can think of, and prehibiting some topics.
If it really comes down to it, I might get rid of the serious forum, or in a last attempt, if ONE bad word is detected in a post, it will not be posted and return an error. Don't force me to do either of those.
Also, there is a lot of selectity going on, some people get away with murder and some don't. I'm going to be watching for this. If you report a post and that doesn't work, then you can do the last resort option, and PM me.
Sorry such drastic measures were taken, but the wholsomeness of the topics here has gone down the drain, and im sick of it. I come here to have interesting debates and conversations, not to see a swear word in every second line of a post. You do NOT have to swear to be noticed.
Very well said. I have used swear words before. But, because of this site, I stopped talking like the average B.Net player. And personally, this change won't affect the majority of SEN. It's just those select few that choose to swear every other sentence.
Well, since I can actually see the filters, I'm going to tell you which ones I disagree with in ASCII/number methods:
From what I can see, at least 10 of the words on there were banned because of the Internet

ography topic... which is dumb. :wt

e: (<- hey, I can't even use that smiley!)
I agree with moose on most of the words..
... these should probably stay off. I doubt they would be any use anyway.
It's not that we're all just a bunch of angry loners...
It's that some people just swear casually, and if you really think that casual swearing is need for an alarm then, well...
Pardon me, but you need to grow a pair of

Moose, Cheeze, meet my friend,
Bob: B4D \/\/0RD |_0|_!
Lesson: Never attempt to bypass the forum swearing filters. It is there to automatically censor anything that others may find offensive. If theres a bad word you enjoy using a lot and you keep forgetting it doesn't censor, you may contact an administrator to add it to the censor list.
I hate to have to say it Yoshi, but I think you're taking this wee bit too far.
How so? Unless you can convince me otherwise that you people absolutely have to swear, it stays.
Code the hyper-extensive only to apply to the serious forum.
Off Topic: Are you ignoring my PMs Yoshi?
You should allow more emoticons per post, now that every possible word is censored, it uses up all your emoticons in a long post, making it a real hassle.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jul 15 2005, 03:14 AM)
Off Topic: Are you ignoring my PMs Yoshi?
No, I dont think so...
QUOTE(wesmic da pimp @ Jul 15 2005, 03:32 AM)
You should allow more emoticons per post, now that every possible word is censored, it uses up all your emoticons in a long post, making it a real hassle.
Better solution: Swear less.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Jul 15 2005, 02:36 AM)
Better solution: Swear less.
Well, in the "Fundamentalists" thread, I quoted a couple of people from there... it litterally took me 15 minutes to go through and use asterisks instead to get the post through.
i dont think i have ever swron on SEN once.... if i ahve please pm me about this but i feel that without swearing my posts are heard just fine... meaning that it doesn't take swearing to bet the point across... pointing out stupidity in an obviouse way is a far better detterent then cussing someone out about it...
I feel there's nothing wrong with swearing when used in a non destructive manner...
Such as...

, that was one huge

ing spider.
As for your problem wesmic, maybe instead of a censored smilie, words could get replaced with characters such as %&#!@?
Or maybe when you quote them, it does...
Everybody has to swear once in a while, don't they?
QUOTE(wesmic da pimp @ Jul 15 2005, 03:39 AM)
Well, in the "Fundamentalists" thread, I quoted a couple of people from there... it litterally took me 15 minutes to go through and use asterisks instead to get the post through.
See what I mean? There is a problem.
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Jul 15 2005, 09:41 AM)
I feel there's nothing wrong with swearing when used in a non destructive manner...
Such as...

, that was one huge

ing spider.
As for your problem wesmic, maybe instead of a censored smilie, words could get replaced with characters such as %&#!@?
Or maybe when you quote them, it does...
I guess I should start replacing them with words then.
QUOTE(Kusion @ Jul 15 2005, 10:22 AM)
Everybody has to swear once in a while, don't they?
Would you swear at your parents?
Swearing won't get you anywhere in life, example:
My brother was aplying for a job at some service place (He'd be working with customers.)
Well, these two other guys were applying also, one was rude, used lots of offensive and "swear" words, and was generaly not the type of person you'd want next to you in a movie theater.
Guess where his resume went?
Well, the trash aparently got a lot of
f&^#($& s#^! from that guy, eh?
Swearing makes people look down on you, and it shows you don't have much repsect for your own actions.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Jul 15 2005, 09:27 AM)
Would you swear at your parents?
My parents only allow me to swear being small:
Damn, Hell, A--
And what I meant by everyone has to swear once in a while, I never was taking it to parents. Nobody would ever do that...
Off-Topic: Am I still banned

As I've said many times before, swearing//flaming brings down the site's quality of posts.
I'm glad that some more stricter methods are being implemented.
Swearing once in a while is OK, everyone has sworn in real life. Sometimes we understand that there's just no other word to describe it.
But then people started taking too much confidence and thinknig that they were the last Coke can. A lot of people started going: "

this, your a crazed mother

er and I don't give a

The day people start swearing in a bad manner in which can easily be put in more decent words is the day the quality of posting scares people. That day has started a long time ago and hopefully ended today.
Yoshi, I made a pretty important addition to your last paragraph in your FAQ post.
Pay close attention to sticky topics, forum rules (at the top of the forum index you are viewing), and new topic/reply guidelines - EXPECIALLY when you are new, you want to do this. If you already read them, then skim through it every once in a while just to see if it wasn't updated. Most importantly this includes the FAQ Forum in which you are reading right now.
BTW: Nice spelling

I'm not saying that people need to swear, I'm saying that some of those words are NOT swears. The three-letter form of "urine" is not a swear. Neither is the other word for cigarette, or a bundle of sticks. Neither is the word for non-heterosexuals which means strange. Seriously, this is impairing my regular speech.
I don't really care about this filter for swear words since i hardly swear. Almost never. But how come the other word for

sexual is filtered?
Edit: Hmm I guess you aren't allowed to say that too...
Yeah, so I awesome person ing around with some peer-to-peer software, and I was like "WT

The word for
sexuals means happy. Oh, wait THAT other word.
Okay, maybe swear filters have gone a little far. I've already made some posts and seen some problems with this, for one thing, the opposite of heterosexual is partially censored, what's with that? It's better than the three letter form, also the synoym for mentally handicapped is censored, what's wrong with that, especially in a serious discussion, when it has a serious meaning. In fact whenever I see a censor like this for words that aren't really bad words, it makes the post even more degrading!
Also, the four letter form of urine, when used in place of "annoy" and then censored, makes it look like you are saying the f words, which is even worse.
I'm just saying some aren't even really swear words.