Useing the campaign editor, and the set next scenario then the end game draw triggers, would it be possible to make a rpg that is like the gameboy style zeldas, you know you walk to the side of the map and it loads another one...i mean it might be a large rpg, but it could have extreme possibilities, since each new map can have each units named somethings else, but assuming you did it like that, i just relized youd have to have 4 copies of each map, for each direction you could enter from, but would it be possible to do, and would any1 want to play it even with the wait time inbetween maps? Or perhaps its already been tried, if so and you know it has, tell me whether it worked or not.
For what I know it hasnt ever been done. It would be a cool thing to do though but remember this:
# Your hero will get 100% hp everytime you load a new map. (If you choose to place it, that is)
# l your upgrades will be lost.
# Tings like quests can't be used to work from map to map (in that case you must make alot of maps for each quest like, a map with the quest uncompleted and a map with the quest completed and so on)
It's a very hard thing to do but I wish you good luck.
Why would you need to do a new map?
Why not simply remove hero (or move it), then redraw the screen and put the hero where it should be?
I tried doing this, it's pretty difficult... considering, the screen never moves and the size is too small for anything intersting.
Why would you need to do a new map?
Why not simply remove hero (or move it), then redraw the screen and put the hero where it should be? mellow.gif
I tried doing this, it's pretty difficult... considering, the screen never moves and the size is too small for anything intersting.
But that would only work with units, the cliff or that tree would be the same cliff or tree you encountered 50 areas ago.
Yeah, for different areas, you could just center on another part of the map.

It would be a huge undertaking and require quite alot of comitment, but i can see the quest part and how to do that, and it would also be a single player rpg obviousely, but i would still like to know if anyone would lke to play something like that?
there wouldnt be a way to copy over the items youd be carrying and youd have to copy the engine and everything. maybe you could use passwords for the items and health or something.
You could always use a pause system, so if you ever lose your hotkeys you can "pause" the game and rehotkey your stuff.
Like, have a burrowed unit under Link, and whenever you unburrow it it triggers a pause.