Well i stayed up tonight, in order to watch a show i missed earlier, and to pass time i did the character bio like things so here they are:
Dunne Erwin
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Age: 17
Weight: 54 kg
Height: 5’4
Measurements: 48-39-45
Blood-type: O
Home village: Saresberia
Little Background: Never was satisfied with the surroundings of her home town, she decided to find herself and see what the world has to offer.
Eadwyn Dungen
Eyes: Sea-Green
Hair: Midnight-Black
Age: 18
Weight: 57 kg
Height: 5’6
Measurements: 52-43-47
Blood-type: AB
Home village: Traiectum
Little Background: Growing up in a village full of mages and warlocks, it is no surprise that she herself has a knack for magic. Wanting to explore and see the world she set forth on an adventure, not realizing the role she will play, in a young mans life.
Heburgæ Wien
Eyes: Sky-Blue
Hair: Red
Age: 24
Weight: 68 kg
Height: 5’9
Measurements: 46-43-44
Blood-type: B
Home village: Valcum
Little Background: At a young age she started as an apprentice to her father, a legendary warrior of his days. She quickly became a very skilled and disciplined warrior. And soon became better then her father. After being released from apprenticeship from her father, she became a mercenary, hiring herself out to the surrounding kingdoms. This is where she became known as an immortal. Which she is in-fact mortal. Through her swift attacks and deadly accuracy, she became the most well known fighter in the land. After this she came across a young boy, who asked to be an apprentice.
Mildburge Crim
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Age: 15
Weight: 47 kg
Height: 5’1
Measurements: 33-30-32
Blood-type: A
Home village: Wormatia
Little Background: After growing up in the streets, without family or anybody to look after her, she became emotionless. Without emotions she has become one of the most deadly assassins, but she only kills if she feels there is a need, or a good cause to do so. Since a young age, she has had to steal all that she owns, and is very skilled at thievery.
Cearl Ayers
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Age: 17
Weight: 65 kg
Height: 5’7
Measurements: 40-36-37
Blood-type: O
Home village: Abritum
Little Background: Not being happy with his home life and the future that lay before him, he stole of into the night. After meeting a very skilled warrior, he became her apprentice. And is currently under her guardianship.
Octa Buhl
Eyes: Pure White
Hair: Platinum White
Age: 33
Weight: 55 kg
Height: 6’2
Measurements: 36-33-35
Blood-type: B
Home village: Eindovia
Little Background: Born to two ordinary peasants, everyone was surprised to see level of intelligence he displayed at a young age, and with time that intelligence grew at an overwhelming rate. It is then that he came to be known as a wizard. For with his mind power he was able to do uncanny things.
Sebbi Brake
Eyes: Red
Hair: Burgundy
Age: 17
Weight: 65 kg
Height: 5’5
Measurements: 45-43-44
Blood-type: AB
Home village: Sopianae
Little Background: Trained all his life to be part of the village militia, he is very skilled with a bow. He is light-footed and very swift. He’s always getting into trouble.
Eni Barnes
Eyes: Brown/Green
Hair: Deep Brown
Age: 16
Weight: 51 kg
Height: 5’3
Measurements: 38-35-36
Blood-type: A
Home village: Nicopia
Little Background: Born in the night to a poor family, he was never able to fit in. He was always different then the rest of the people, will he ever figure out why? Growing up to a poor family meant he didn’t get a lot of creature comforts or a lot of toys, so began his life of crime.
Now I'm going to start finishing the storyline, kind of happens to be an important thing.
There could be a change in the amount of characters depending on if I need to cut it back so I can have a good storyline.