Staredit Defence v1 in Ideas- UMS!
Ok, I finally have enough ideas now and i'm gonna make the actuall map!
Defence of Staredit Network! I will abandon all other map ideas to work on this map!
There are hydras, archons, marines, ghosts, super hydras, super archons, super marines, super ghosts.
Other units you can get are dragoons, battlecruiser, goliath, wraith, mutalisk, dark archon, and other air attcking units.
This is a really funny map BECAUSE OF THE NAMES OF THE UNITS!!!!!
The best unit in the game is the ghost and it's name is YOSHI DA SNIPER
Super Hydra- Mini_Moose_2707
Super Ghost- shadowsniper660
Super Archon- chuiu_OS
Super Marine- (U)Bolt_Head
Ghost- Red2Blue
Marine- KaboomHahahein
Hydra- warhammer40000
Archon- Mr.Kirbycode774
Dragoon- Wolf
Goliath- Basan
Battle Cruiser- DT_Battlekruser
Wraith- Kame Da Sniper
Mutalisk- SI
Dark Archon- LegacyWeapon
Sorry every body else who doesn't see their name here. Maybe I will put your name as a unit, but who knows...
Super Battle Cruiser- Isolated Purity
Super Goliath- Hynk
Super Dragoon- slayer766
Scout- Zell-III
Super Scout- ShadowBrood
Corsair- Mp)Sniper
Arbiter- Tazzy
Super Carrier- assassin_498
Super Wraith-
AHHH! I need more members!!!
Now, it's kind of like tarpit d and HGMA, but it's an entirly different map!
The objectives are the same, but instead you have to save Staredit Network from some evil feds, terrorists that like to destroy websites that are specificly named, hackers that like to take over websites, and other evil people!
You start out with Scout, which is named Zell-III and you can buy units with civilians. I need to think of a name to name the civilian, so PM me. FIRST COME FIRST USERNAME IS USED SO WHO EVER PM'S ME FIRST WILL GET THEIR USERNAME AS THE CIVILIAN, WHICH IS A PRETTY SPECIAL UNIT IN THE GAME!!!