I have a suggestion for a new moderator. I know you probably dislike threads like these, but I really think its a good idea. My suggestion, is to make Deathknight a moderator for the Concepts and Ideas forums. Think about it. Deathknight would make a great moderator for these two forums. Member since October 2003, he is one of the most smartest and most knowledgable people of the game Starcraft itself. He knows 99% of the glitches (He, and maybe I, is/are still finding glitches) in Starcraft, and that covers the Concepts forum. Deathknight also created about 50 test maps (Most are lost now) to test the different concepts and what crazy triggers he can come up with. Now for ideas, he is very creative, if you ever played with him. Deathknight knows everything about different ideas for maps. Seriously, if you ever need a new moderator, Deathknight is a great choice. Also, maybe he would be a good Global Moderator too, but thats not in the question now. If you think about it, Deathknight would make a perfect moderator of these two forums. Please consider it.
Please post what you think.
Edit: Forgot to say, hes a nice guy too, I never seen him get too mad at someone.
Sounds great. Maybe Deathknight should be a moderator...
Of only the concepts forum.
o m g dethnite is a hakr n ruined sc cuz of muta morf hak he shuld b baned!!!
(just kidding, I think he'd be a good moderator)
However good a moderator he might be, StarEdit Network doesn't seem to be in much need of another one.
Fela, I am saying he might be good for Concepts because he is great with that stuff..
Speaking of needing moderators, the Modding forums still need moderators.

And I think DK would be a good moderator for the Concepts forum too.
Leader of [MM] should get moderator of Mod forums in my opinion. DK should get Concepts

Im guessing [MM] is modding clan, Then yes, The leader of modding clan should know alot about modding, And should be moderator of the modding forum.
Gj MrrLL, now that you've suggested DK as moderator, now they definitely won't consider him

I recall seeing somewhere the person people want to be mod is always considered last.

I would have to disagree with that. But it's entirely up to the person, not the people suggesting them.
This thread is
ed... (thats err the synonym for lack of mental ability)
Some reason I don't think DK has the right attitude for a mod.. He's too.. dunno, freewheeling.
Considering how well-ignored this thread was, I don't think Yoshi is into hiring people by popular demand right now... Geez, it was a good idea.. we all know how smart deathknight is with glitches/concepts. I just thought it was something to recommend. DT, I think deathknight has the right personality for being a mod. Besides, its just one forum, dont get all

It's the stupid word filter makes me look madder than I am 
For example, if I compared Deathknight to someone in harry potter, i'd probabally pick Fred and George. QUOTE(chuOS @ Jul 20 2005, 12:04 AM)
I would have to disagree with that. But it's entirely up to the person, not the people suggesting them.
I was just thinking of the relationship between this thread and the Tux for moderator one:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=17836&hl=Specifically what BeeR said:
Moderators aren't chosen because you want to. We can't just say: "Oh look, the members want this guy to be moderator, let's give them the position". That has only happened once, with the 4 original DLDB Keepers from October 2004, and it was becasue IP was the only admin and he barely knew us.
When a Moderator is needed our first action is to extend a current Moderator's access to more forums. Like Kame for example.
If we need more people then a thread at the Staff forum is created and we decide who is the best person for the job.
And as we've said before, the first person to ask for being a Moderator is the last to be considered.
By request of Tux.
That's what I was referring to.
Deathknight does seem great for the spot, But he does have the DLDB to worry about...
I don't think he can keep up with being a moderator of 2 or 1 forum's, And keep up with the DLDB.
He's not a DLDB Manager...
What BeeR said stands here.
At least I had a reason, it was a good one too, but fine, but its not anyone in this threads decision.
It's not anyone in this discussion's decision, but I would think that the Staff such as chu, DTBK, and Legacy, would influence Yoshi and IP, because a new mod would have to be working with the rest of the Staff and have a good relationship with them.
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Jul 20 2005, 03:39 PM)
He's not a DLDB Manager...
I thought he was a moderator because he made a topic called Mass DLDB Acceptance... That's why

No, he was just another whining, dissastisfied member.

QUOTE(devilesk @ Jul 20 2005, 02:58 PM)
I was just thinking of the relationship between this thread and the Tux for moderator one:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=17836&hl=Specifically what BeeR said:
That's what I was referring to.
Yeah, I know it's been said before. But I disagree with the 'we consider them less' or whatever bs. It's not dependent on public opinion, it's dependent on the person.
i thuoght dk way already a mod...
We've already got plenty of active moderators, there's no need for another one now. Don't think we'll ever need more unless one of our current ones quit or something.
Maybe we should only hire moderator's, When we lose moderators.
Makes sence, No?