Hi, I am a newbie on this site. So, please tell me if i did something wrong. Thank you.

Post more. That fixes most things. Except when you spam. Which only causes more problems...
So far, you are the perfect member to me

(except post more

No I don't think you have done anything that would appeal a rule to a moderator or another person.
On behalf of me welcome to SEN Staredit.net!
Enjoy your stay.
Hello and welcome to Sen.
so, my typical kiwi question is getting sort of cliche, so I've decided to branch out by asking this newbie a new question, which is:
Will you smuggle my kiwis into campachia?
hello and welcome

What are kiwis illegal now? Are they a drug?!? WHAT THE HELL?!?! MY SCHOOL SHOULDN'T BE LETTING US EAT THEM!! Ohh sorry...

I'll help you firekame. I always liked kiwis....
yay! Kiwi smugglers unite! ^__^
actually, these kiwis are illegal because they have certain...substances injected into them
Again with the
R U Evil
lol anyway.
Er...um...yeah. Boo.
And what ever you do, post more, and DON'T GO NEAR THE FOOD! THEY ARE EVIL! EVVVVIIIILLLL!!!!!!!
Except kiwis. They aren't as evil as the other food.
Umm...is it just me, or did we scare him away, like everybody else again? What's with this horrid habit of ours?
He'll be back (blatant Terminator rip-off). With what substance FireKame? Will we have to take the columbian cartel?!?

hehe...you know what substance I'm talking about...mwahahaha
imagine acid on an acid trip. Oh yeah, it could work...kiwi brandy and kiwi acid...w00t
haha jk