I added a file to the database for thise website 4 days ago, and i stil dont see it under files, plus when i click on it under edit my files it just gives me this err message, whats the deal with that?
It's still under the approval section and it's invisible to everyone except the DLDB Keepers and the Admins.
Please be patient, we have lives and can't spend all our time approving maps and there's a pretty large number of maps being submitted daily.
This weekend I have nothing to do, for now, I'll be glad to start approving files.
Beer approving? *drops jaw* What a miracle!
Yeah, just wait a bit.
Just be glad you're not this guy, Prod_Clod:
Oldest sitting file was submitted on 06/23/05 at 23:15 (PDT)
QUOTE(frumping DLDB)
Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:
The specified file could not be found!
For god knows how long....
Don't submit a .zip for a map and you'll ever be "that guy". I don't approve zips, it takes too long. Since nobody else has been doing the dldb, the zips have been sitting.
I didn't submit a ZIP. I never do.
Yes, you submitted right after I approved on Fri. Wait till perhaps the weekend.
(3636) Multi-Defense
That;s you, right?
Yep. It still doesn't come up. It says it's been downloaded once.
Whoever downloaded it, it wasn't me. Wait until perhaps this weekend for the map to be approved. Patience is of the essence, remeber that.
Zips are safer to upload causing less chances of something happening to the map making it corrupted or unplayable. It's happened to me a few times, map got corrupted when it got uploaded.
I suggest to first send the .scx then if something is wrong resubmit it as a .zip and then we'll see if we can change the .zip witht he .scx and make it downlaod correctly.
Just out of curiosity, what about zips slows you down so much DT?
Clicking "extract this file" and moving from the sub folder int the main folder instead of just opening Stacraft and going. I just still don't see te point of attaching zips unless you can't attach the file type you'd like or you're attaching multiple files.
People post .zip so it doesn't remove stuff from the name file name also. Like (6)Blah.scx would be " 6 Blah.scx" or something like that.
I've kinda been waiting a few weeks for it to show up, that's why I suggested an approval thign for v5, where you're got a little thing on your file saying "Status: Pending" and "Approved."
That way if it says approved, and it still doesn't show up, you know something's wrong.
SB, It's been a little less than 7 days, to date. Patience.
MMkay, weekend has approached with impatience I might add
... It still is giving me this error. What... teh... :censored:age...
All files in the DLDB have been approved or deleted. Only one file remains and that is a request by the submitter.
MMkay, weekend has approached with impatience I might add tongue.gif ... It still is giving me this error. What... teh... :censored:age...
I said I'll do it
during the weekend, not the moment the weekend is here.
I just deleted victory fleet and told tux to resubmit it when he's done Ok there it goes! Thanks