Ok I cooked this up in my spare time, upon request. To use it, go through the list of labels first and identify the ones that apply to your current situation, and then go through the list of selection systems and find the ones with the X'ed labels that best fit your needs and requirements. Keep in mind the units they need to use as well.
Some hybrid selection systems (like ones that combine 'move unit to location' and 'burrow', or something like that) I purposely left out, though there might be others which constitute their own selection systems that I forgot to list. Please tell me if I did.
If you have any questions (some of the O flags assume you know how it works to know why its marked as such), let me know.
Wow, these are all different ways to activate... things? (eg spell casting system).
This is extremely in-depth. Great job
I'm just wondering how you can get 9 selections using the burrow select method.
9 different units have the burrow ability.
If you use a Hatchery, Factory-Built units has a max of 9 options.
True, but I could never get the hatchery to replace larve quickly. Thus it makes it slow as hell. Good if you don't intend to use it often, or the delay works to your advantage somehow.
Stack multiple hatcheries. Like ... 12. (Unless I have no idea what you'r talking about, very possible)
Cardinal rule of forums: every time hikari undertakes to write alot, someone else will write much the same thing, except in more cogent format, and everyone will read that instead.
Yeah, i did atutorial on this subject a long time ago, and no one read it... XD....
Nice work, Tux
Well the amount of option is always infinite with locations and having more of the option system in different areas. but i see what you mean if you only wanted 1 of each unit or option selection system.
Here's a few new ones:
1.)A robotics facility with a pylon under it, shuttles cost $X (X being whatever you choose) and you hotkey the robotics facility, and this will allow you to use rallypoints for unit selection (concept by IceFlare). It's very useful in big defense maps where you don't have time to look over at the heroes section, and you just want the same unit you got last time quickly. *puts on hat*
2.)I thought of this one: similar to the other one, except you surround the robotics facility with nydus canals, and each one chooses a different unit or unit section, so you could set the rally point to the nydus, and build a reaver, and as soon as it is built you get your unit. *takes hat back off*
Mmm, that second one is pretty good, Daminator, but it would require that you use an Infested Command Center or something, since only Zerg units can use Nydus Canals.
That, and for the top-most Nydus Canal, the unit would have to go around the building since they appear at the bottom.
Actualy, a system I was planning on using for a map once is you get a Mutalisk, fly it over the unit you want to select, and then you morph to Devourer.
Personally, I like Burrow or Bunker selections most, since they're almost instant.