I think I'm right in saying that the server that SEN is hosted on likes to lag a bit, SEN likes to randomly go down with the "Too many connections" MySQL error. I know that v5 is supposed to improve upon internal workings, too. No offense, but it doesn't look like v5 is coming around any time soon. While it's not here, everyone has to stick with v4.1, which continues to have these problems. I know there isn't much you can do about it, you've already disabled bandwidth hogs, broken scripts, etc..
Well maybe you should tell everyone what your options are, then what our options are. I'm sure everyone would like to help SEN move along a bit faster. This might spring a few donations (I know I promised one, it's coming as soon as my parents get the hell off my back), or other solutions. I never noticed this all that much until I got stuck with this dial-up connection. I know that the time down there is script execution, not page load time...but 10 seconds added onto the already 30 seconds I have to wait is not helping.
The three screenshots are the execution times from the index, to the feedback forum, to the new topic place. Ironically, the execution time after adding the attachments is 0.0916. But can I/we at least know what causing SEN to give us grief periodically?
Sorry if it seems like I'm complaining, I love this place.