I am really sick of playing rpgs and having spells be where a unit spawns (such as a ghost or something) and you are suppose to click the spell unit (the ghost) and use the spell (lockdown) (or maelstrom with a dark archon or psionic storm with a high templar)
So I made this post for people to come in and post their computer activated and run spells
SOOO add your own spells
i was thinking of a fireball spell where there is a location around the hero (size=5x5) and in it there is another location (1x1) the way my spell works is that when casted the 1x1 centers on an enemy unit in the 5x5 location and a scourge is made at the hero and it flyes to the enemy (the 1x1) and there the scourge dies and some damage is done to the enemy
the way it works is that with weaker enemies it kills them instantly and with tougher it only takes away life (like i will set it to 75% life)
the only downside of this is that it can actually heal an enemy if the enemy has less life than the spell deducts
the spell is upgradable and at the higher levels it does more damage to the higher level enemies
-at level 1 it will bring higher level enemies to 80% life
-at level 2 50%
-at level 3 25%
-at level 4 it kills them
-at level 5 the 1x1 location is replaced with a 2x2 location and it kills one enemy in the location and brings the rest to 50% life (which is basically splash damage)
here is an idea for an icebolt
-at level 1 it will bring an enemy to 50%
-at level 2 it will replace an enemy with a hallucinated version of the same enemy (basically like it was frozen)
-at level 3 it will kill the lower level enemies and freeze/weaken the higher level enemies
-continued and so on for higher levels with stronger units being killed by it instead of frozen
a nova type spell would be easy
just have a battlecruiser or a large unit be spawned and killed at the hero (to make an explosion/ring of fire) and kill/weaken the units around the hero with a location that is centered on the hero
a way to really make this cool would be to have different location sizes to be around the hero a 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and a 5x5 the trigger would start with the smaller locations and so they would be affected first:
-in the 1x1 the enemy units would be killed
-in the 2x2 the enemy units would have 10% life
-in the 3x3 the enemy units would have 25% life
-in the 4x4 the enemy units would have 50% life
-in the 5x5 the enemy units would have 75% life
a mana sheild spell would also work for protoss units
just have the sheilds be based upon how much mana (which can be in the form of gas or any other countable unit
if the hero has 1% of their max mana set the sheilds of the hero at 1%
if the hero has 10% of their max mana set the sheilds at 10%
if the hero has 11% then 11% sheilds
all the way up to 100%
a heal other would be simple
just base it like the fireball with an air unit and the locations but instead of flying to an enemy have it fly to an allie and heal them
yeah i am kinda basing these off of diablo because that is my current project
so please what does the rest of the world think and please add more to my list
Diablo 1 RPG
damnit i made 2 of these.... thats what double clicking does for me... but anyway post in the one above thanks
Well for one, this should be in "ideas".
Otherwise, very cool Frozen-rpg. Creative.
I have one idea for a spell, but I'm still using it in my RPG so no credit for you!
Soul Collector:
You have 2 locations around a unit, a 1x1 and a 6x6. When hero casts spell, it constantly orders all enemies in the 6x6 location to move to the 1x1 location. Then, when the enemies reach the 1x1 location they are killed and a hallucination is created and killed at the 1x1 location (so it looks like their soul is being stolen).
clocking feeld >
jus making arbiter thet is always foloving yor heroe<
wery wery easy spel
Its also a very ugly and rather obvious spell, at least try to do something with EUDs to make the arb invisible, or to make your hero give off the cloaking field (not sure if either are possible, but they seem like they might be.)
But for spells, it would look very cool to have a "slash" spell for a melee hero that would make them slide past their target, leaving some kind of trail, like the attached map.
For a real RPG of course, one would have to implement a grid system to make the dark templar slide past the ultralisk(or whatever enemy being used), but that would be of little challenge to implement. The kakura deaths are of course optional, but they give a cool slashing effect.
Slash (not sure if this works, but dancool if it does)
Create one lurker under hero
center location X on 1 enemy unit at location Y
Move hero to location X
Remove lurker
probably needs a await in there to ge the timing right, but you can make it look like your hero ran and slashed through an enemy. ^_^
Haha, Hikari, we both posted a "slash" spell.
With EUD trigs you could have shields for all units. (many different uses)
I have one that Haplo originally made...
Could be called "ultimate" "omega" "nova" anything like that.
I'll go see if I can find haplo's spell kit. (my map below is just an attempt to duplicate one of his spells...).
Create one lurker under hero
center location X on 1 enemy unit at location Y
Move hero to location X
Remove lurker
Sounds like a simplified explanation of an idea I thought of and suggested to someone a long time ago. Damnit, if only I could remember his or his map's name.
I'd give a big list of spell ideas I came-up with some half-year ago for the guy that made Dragon Slayer Rpg(as suggestions), but I seem to have actualy deleted the damn PM's. Ah well.
I've got a spell.
Instant Blast.
It creates a Siege Tank( not in seige mode )at a location thats around 1 random enemy thats close to your hero. It kills that enemy and weakens other enemies that are within that location. Location size is 3x3. Weakens units approximatly 75%.
QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Aug 3 2005, 03:59 PM)
Sounds like a simplified explanation of an idea I thought of and suggested to someone a long time ago. Damnit, if only I could remember his or his map's name.
I'd give a big list of spell ideas I came-up with some half-year ago for the guy that made Dragon Slayer Rpg(as suggestions), but I seem to have actualy deleted the damn PM's. Ah well.
Simple = good.
A observer with triggers set to have arvbiter constantly cast recal over it for a 'wind" effect for 15 seconds.
Any unit moving into location over observer is transported into a sectioned of part of map (eye of the tornado) where they get beat up on by pre-placed units, untill released at end of 15 seconds.
ok, what you should do is once you use a spell, create a cloaked ghost and a cloacked wraith for two different computer players, and make sure one of them has a comsat station so they can scanner sweep for that 'spell' effect, and also make sure the scanner sweeper doesnt have vision with itself, so thwe effect wares off right away
Spell?= Stun, Simple.
ok, what you should do is once you use a spell, create a cloaked ghost and a cloacked wraith for two different computer players, and make sure one of them has a comsat station so they can scanner sweep for that 'spell' effect, and also make sure the scanner sweeper doesnt have vision with itself, so thwe effect wares off right away
Spell?= Stun, Simple.
i dont see where the spell's effect is coming in, like what are the ghost and wraith doing?
The point of the Ghost/Wraith is to coax the computer with the Comsat to scanner-sweep there...
Directed Lurker Spines:
Create 9 powerups, kill them 1 at a time with a centerlocation/kill trigger until the next one to be selected is the one in the direction you want, change it to a burrowed Zerg unit for an allied computer player with shared vision, but you have to be unallied with that computer, it creates a burrowed Lurker under you.
This way you can control whether the Lurker spines fire up, down, left, right, up-right, up-left, down-right or down-left.
soory, maybe i didnt explain it right
You explained it right, he didn't think it right. What the hell is with the spam, though?
yea i got that there would be a scaner sweep but how does that stun?
i got another one but i dont know what units it will work on
Stone Curse:
-center a 1x1 on an enemy near the hero
-disable the unit and then wait a few seconds and reenable it
would this work? or does disableing work on some and not on othersEver hear of triggers?
Umm... what are you trying to do, come up with a spell that stuns a nearby enemy?