Things you will be needing, Starforge 2.2 or Starforge Plus. These can be found in the downloads section of this site. You will also need these plugins [attachmentid=12646]
I will also be telling you to go to a lot.
Let's get started!
Modifying Maximum Health:1. Go to, In the first drop down menu, select the tag, 6B6904 - HP Amount (Max).
2. In the second drop down menu on the right, under UNITS, select the SCV. Click Go.
3. Either remember, copy, or write down the information.
4. Go Back to the main page, insert as much information as you can into the SF Trigger Converter.
5. Here's the tricky part. There are 4 Bytes to edit, which is displayed
00 00 00 00.The Bytes
00 00 00 00, Red is the percentage of health,
00 meaning 100%,
01 meaning 100%+1,
02 meaning 100%+2 and so on. Green is the Maximum health itself,
00 00 00 meaning no health,
FF FF FF meaning 16777215 health.
6. Insert the amount you have chosen into the last box, and set the Add to this value, into Set this value to. Click Go. I have chosen 01 00.
7. If done correctly you should get a trigger similar to mine. SetDeaths(P4,SetTo,256,-29778); Insert the trigger into SF.
Modyfying Unit Ground Weapons1. Go to, In the first drop down menu, select the tag, 6B8FAC - Weapon Ground Attack.
2. In the second drop down menu on the right, under UNITS, select the Wraith. Click Go.
3. Either remember, copy, or write down the information. Also pick a weapon you want to use.
4. Go Back to the main page, insert all of the information into the SF Trigger Converter.
5. Insert the weapon you have chosen into the last box, and set the Add to this value, into Set this value to. Click Go. I chose the Yamato Gun - 1E.
6. If done correctly you should get a trigger similar to mine. SetDeaths(P1,SetTo,30,-29572); Insert the trigger into SF.
Modyfying Unit Air Weapons1. Go to, In the first drop down menu, select the tag, 6B8638 - Weapon Air Attack.
2. In the second drop down menu on the right, under UNITS, select the Wraith. Click Go.
3. Either remember, copy, or write down the information. Also pick a weapon you want to use.
4. Go Back to the main page, insert all of the information into the SF Trigger Converter.
5. Insert the weapon you have chosen into the last box, and set the Add to this value, into Set this value to. Click Go. I chose the Yamato Gun - 1E.
6. If done correctly you should get a trigger similar to mine. SetDeaths(P8,SetTo,30,-29623); Insert the trigger into SF.
Modyfying a Units Graphics1. Go to, In the first drop down menu, select the tag, 6B8EC8 - Graphic.
2. In the second drop down menu on the right, under UNITS, select the Wraith. Click Go.
3. Either remember, copy, or write down the information.
4. Go Back to the main page, insert as much information as you can into the SF Trigger Converter.
5. Insert a Graphic from my list downloadable here, [attachmentid=12647] and set the Add to this value, into Set this value to. Click Go. I chose the scourge - 00.
6. If done correctly you should have a trigger similar to mine, SetDeaths(P4,SetTo,0,-29577); Insert the trigger into SF.
1. The unit MUST be created and cannot already be on the map to show the grapic.
2. Most combinations crash, such as making a unit that cannot attack, into one that can, changing buildings into units.. etc.
I'm all out of ideas.. post what tutorial I should make next!