Well i've been making a melee map and i've noticed while playing [s.g] LT it has SG in the middle of the map in fog of war, but not dark. it isn't big enough to be map revealers, if anyone knows how to do that any assistance would be greatly appreciated
in SCXE or SCMDraft there is a thing called "Fog Of war" and you need to unplace the fog for each player so they can see it.
It's in Starcraft Campaign Editor too, under the Layer drop down menu. It's nothing special, HeRtZ.
i can get to the fog of war, i just don't know how to make it so that only a very minimal amount of the map is shown in fog of war as the game starts so i can spell out stuff
It's a 3x3 square in SCXE/StarEdit, you can use a custom size in SCMDraft (and probably StarForge). Just click on a dark area and it becomes bright. Ingame it will be explored.
Since no one said it, I would recommend holding shift (if you're using regular staredit) so it goes to all players instead of the one selected.
Good call cheeze. No one really uses that in Maps tho..
but in staredit fog of war wont show in a map unless its ums, would it?
You can play melee in UMS. In the obs version of the map this might not be a bad idea, but then again you might just piss people off.
you wouldnt piss people off because the fog of war break dissappears at the beginning of the game. all the fog of war removal does is reveal terrain and preplaced buildings at that spot. It doesnt acauly give vision or anything.
=P I know that, I'm not retarded. It'd piss people off because if you happen to be a player who depends on the fog of war to tell him where he hasn't scouted you might miss important stuff. A lot of people have grown used to this and a sudden change could throw off their game. People don't really want to see your name in the middle of the map anyway...
i didn't uncover the entire thing....i just put a logo in the middle