My new map im working on, Reigons, is almost done. Being my first attempt at a "Good" Map, im looking for some advice. My map is 4-2 player, highly vairied terrain, lots of strategic chokepoints and a bit of terrain blending and bridge extentions. Toatal compleeted terrain %71. Doodads, about 24%. Im looking for any tips. I may not use all of them but ill use them as reference as I see fit. So if any body want to make any suggestions, im open to em'. Ill post a protected beta version of my map along with some screenshots to look over. Ill be checking the forums often.
1) No ones going to steal your map
2) Post a screen shot.
Dont protect a melee map unless its going into a tourney.
I looked at the map in BW, That would make a better map 1v1. Ill tell you what i mean more indepth once you post a pic. Use scm>jpeg converter on your unprotected version.
Heres the link for it: about no screen, and im kinda newbish about the protecting and that. But the screen anyways, i tried uploading and it didnt work so ill try it again.
Sorry about no screen, and im kinda newbish about the protecting and that. But the screen anyways, i tried uploading and it didnt work so ill try it again.
Sorry about no screen, and im kinda newbish about the protecting and that. But the screen anyways, i tried uploading and it didnt work so ill try it again.
You have to upload it as a JPEG.
Alright Heres The Pic: (See Latest Post)
And Much thx yenko for the link, great device
Hmm bottom right corner seems a little "open ". Maybe add like a few trees or something.
Add a hill or something to build ur base on.
It looks more like a scenery-map rather than a melee map. Maybe you should look at other melee maps and learn the most basic styles first.
first of all, im not done with the map, i still have a corner to do (obviously), and i need to add dodads alltogether. I have played the map in ffa, and, exept for the lack of an entire area, the map play just fine. once its done, ill release a v. with dodads and you can tell me what you think. Oh and, one lil addition; Simulant, do you have perfect dark? That is all. Thank you and good night. (its nearly midnight)
Heres a new pic, I've added a buncha dodads and did a bit more terrain.
(See Addition)
The terrain is all done and the doodads should be complete early tommorow or late tonight. Here you go. [attachmentid=12974]
Im finished w/terrain, but not doodads. Here it is;
(See latest Post)
One thing i noticed right away is that teals and purps minerals are easyer to mine than reds and blues seeing as they hook around the bace and reds and blues curve away. Nice map though because of its non symetry
Nice catch, ill fix it up imideatly
Check it out yall; Heres my first realease [attachmentid=12981]
As you can c, the left side has more space to build, but few controlable chokepoints, but the right side has higher ground in some spots and is the perfet place for tanks and snipers. Plz dont edit w/out consulting me first, thank you and have a safe game- Wait... wtf am i talking about safe... RIP EM' APART BOIZ
I like this map, other than the fact that teal seems to have less building room than the other three. Other than that it is real good.
The reason teal has less room (he has plent just dont go hogwild in building) is beacause it hass that big temple wall that serve's as a great defence position, but he can still be easily flanked from bottom if he's not carefull
Great map, and it's non-symmetrical!
Plz post some reviews or opinions
I'm not sure if all the players are balanced when it comes to what their possible expansion sites are.
Player 1 and 4 have two VERY easy to capture expos
Player 2 has one relatively medium to capture expo and one hard expo to capture (when facing purple)
Player 3 has two relatively medium expos to capture
just my thought
QUOTE(MiLlEnNiUmArMy @ Aug 17 2005, 05:45 PM)
I'm not sure if all the players are balanced when it comes to what their possible expansion sites are.
Player 1 and 4 have two VERY easy to capture expos
Player 2 has one relatively medium to capture expo and one hard expo to capture (when facing purple)
Player 3 has two relatively medium expos to capture
just my thought
Im sorry but i have nooooooooooooooooooo idea what you mean by expos, could you explain?
Expos are short for expansion sites, places with minerals and sometimes vespene gas.
When i played it it seemed perfectly balenced, i black sheep walled and power over whelminged myself and left them to destroy eachother. When i watched the map, the comps reached their mins around the same time as the other.
You can't just play against computers; try watching replays of professionals and how quickly they expand. Your map lacks a lot of expansions for a 4 player map.
I just played a game online and the other human players said it was a "nice map" and the minerals were enough to "Choke a horse"
the number of expansions is fine i think. It's kind of like some other pro maps like Dahlia where each player has only two expos in their area.
But ususally maps with that amount of expos are good mainly for 1v1s and not 2v2s because there probably isn't enough expos to fight over in that case.
2 entries into base = gay