I've played it a while ago, there's not that many levels, and the heal beacon is slow, you have to stand like 5 seconds on the beacon before it heals you.
I prefer the marine version, it gets easy once you are able to get lurkers, plus there's a bug that when everyone in the game is in the morphing stage, the game ends.
thats old version any ways the bug, i added tried to fix it by adding lurker egg condition but its still there
i see eggs dotn count as units ror in trigs
Bring(Force1, Exactly, 0, AnyUnit, Battle);
Bring(Force1, Exactly, 0, Lurker Egg, Anywhere);
Bring(Force1, Exactly, 0, Lurker, Battle);
Switch(0, Set);
DisplayText("You lost. Try again and get the code. Made by R)S(T", 4);
bugs still there when everyone has a lurker egg in force 1 How do i fix?