I was messing around with EUD triggers today and I was wondering if there's a memory offset that detects If shields are reduced to 0 Im guessing there is because once shields are gone it takes from HP, And if you can detect using EUD what would the correct condition be? Just put the Death count that detects if the shields are 0 in the conditions like..
(Detect Shields are gone)
Deathcount(p1, exactly, -30538)
(Toggle Shields Off)
Deathcount(p1, set, -4634345)
I know thats not how its setup or the right deathcounts, but my idea is there, Just brainstorming if shields are 0 then take them off, and if we can disable shield regeneration we can make an effective Armor system Like that of GTA or other games that give certain armor points.
Still just dabbing round with these but Im getting the hang of it