Bugs :
1) Text goes way to fast in mission breifing, try slowing it down a few thou.
2) The numbers in the mission Breifing are not all light green. (like, 1. is, but 2., 3., 4., and so forth arn't)
3) When i got to 50 kills, The text kept repeating and civilians kept on being produced
4) The name, is hoe team and away team.. i think it should be like sedden team 1 base and sedden team 2 base..
5) Science Facility and Engineering Bay are both liftable (i actually used this to see the whole map
6) You can JUST get into the base outside the bunkers range! if you sneak along the outside, they cant hit you.
1) The gaurds in the bunkers have a little bit to much damage. try lowering it so i dont die within 3 seconds of getting in range of a bunker.
2) Having only 3 selections of unit is ok, but after a little while you realise it gets a bit boring, and people all use the same unit..
3) Only 3 powerups is also a little demeaning.. (besides the fact you cant use them) You should make it like.. every 10 kills you get a small special ability (like 1 extra unit) and at 50 kills u get the bunker thingie.. and like at 150 kills u can upgrade the marine spawn to say.. 4 p.s.
1) The S thing in the middle was an excellent idea. it took me 3-5 minutes to realise it was there, but it added a whole new perspective to the game.
2) The marines and the hero's attack rates are perfectly balanced..
A good idea for a map. its one of these arena type things that could become quite popular. I like the way the marines spawn and so-forth..
I havent been able to play with more than 2 (human) players, so im not sure if that aspect would increase the enjoyment level this game brings.
I just made the last paragraph sound good by using long words
Cheers, I hope you get it done