lol i did kinda screw the trailer. And the demo no but its ganan be my map any ways so it dont matter. This map is ganna go out march. SO dont be expecting much now ^_^
its ganna be huge
license quest duel quest: This will let you fight one another for fun. And even Computer players. If you die no repawn time and no items needed to come back.
Duel for money: Now this will be for all your money or... a selected amout that you choose. Im not sure what one yet. And if you loose you must give up your money.
Trading: This will let you trade human to human or npc to human.
Owning: This will let you buy your own shops and set your own custom prices.
Building: This will let you build your own house,shops, any thing keep them as your own or set a price up for them... Have the better prices in your towns get more money from the other people. But watch out you must pay for other things like... housing if your using part of the town for ur mall ^_^. So dont loose money. You can also build stalls at the farms for Chocos!! WE LOVE CHOCOS!! Rent out your own chocos or get payed to watch peoples. But watch out you must pay some npc to feed them and take care of them... Or you will have to your self. And if one of those poor chickens dies and it dosent belong to you... Well get ready to get your money sued off of you!!
!!!! JOBS!!!
Mining: You can mine in mines for gold,silver,zinc,copper and much much more. Turn around and sell them to your fellow npc or a fellow player.
Fishing: Cetch fish plenty of kinds 10000 and as your skill gets better so do your findings. ^_^ turn around and sell these for money or... Cook them to eat for health!!!! Not all fish can be cooked for health... And must have cooking.
Farming: Go to the farms and have the farmers pay for you to get their crops. But you dont get to keep them enless you have your own field!!!
Cooking: Cook many kinds of food to help you on your journy.
or just be a walking store must have your trading license but if you have your items up for sell others dont have to have their trading license they just have to buy. But in order for them to... trade item to item... OR make their own prices they must

have the trading license.
K Ive gone far enough does this excite you guys!!!
I need one sen tester for this map... and one only because i have 3 other testers. ^_^!!
I would kinda like to know you a lil to. So.. just reply here or come to clan xcom
Im AshaMeD.CoM ^_^ helpen happy out.
O yah setting your own prices is help full because.. Items and stuff increases in price while you get higher lvl so if your lvl 25 it probly cost 1k to cure your self... But if you know someone with their own inn with a price of 250 it wont ever go up above that enless they change it them selfs ^_^!
Also: I think im ganan stop the max lvl at 60 but... there will be secret quiest called the
Dark cronix 1-2-3-4. And these will be basicly a new series of the rpg... kinda like starting number rpg 2... but just a taise of it and each one completed will get you ready for the next rpg... and you can lvl 10 more levels... But these will be extremly hard to find and do. ^_^ for the first one you must be lvl 60 or you wont have a chance. The next one lvl 70,80, and 90 so at the end of these you will be lvl 100! and be awsome.. and probly be done with the game! and just finishing up quest.
Missions and quest!
Missions will be what you do to move on in the story.
The story starts back in the past where you become the hero of time and get put to sleep. Then the full story changes. And all of the quest you could do... Well we not be there. So i recomened doing all quest you can find.
Quest: These will be side storys just for fun. But you can get some rare items. Like some magic moves. Any thing money Exp, I want more then 100 quest in this game. I want about 250 but like thats ganna happen ^_^!!!