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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> The New Kingdom
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l2k-Warrior on 2005-08-14 at 19:15:10
Map Name: The New Kingdom

Map Size/Structure: 256x256 on Jungle terrain

Number of Players: 1-5

Game Type: RPG

Features: I've been working on this map with the concept of being able to beat the game and want to play it again. I didn't want this to get dull and just sit in your maps folder for years. So I thought about how I could have this map keep the player interested and wanting to play it again. I am detirmined to create a map that you have to play a second or third time because your interested in finding out what would happen if you picked door b instead of door a.

Before the game even begins you are asked a series of questions that will determine how you start the game. There are three possible outcomes here which will be the deciding factor in what unit will be your main leader. The catch here is that there is no wrong answer or combinations of answers. There is no "good unit, bad unit and neutral unit" Your unit is what best suits the kind of character traits you show by answering the questions. It has no impact on the ending of the game.

You hero then commands a party of five units (including himself) which are up to you what they are and what they become. There is over thirty classes for units to become making for over one hundred possible party combinations. Units gain experience in battle and at certain levels can be promoted to a stronger unit (nothing revolutionary)

There are also five completely optional hidden characters that can be found and persuaded to join your party if you have the right prerequisites. This works out to be so that one player gets their own special character in their party. Find and not finding these characters will play it's own role in the end.

To-Do, Feature List:
Work In Progress/Partially Done
Planned, Or May Not Be In The Final Version

Opening questions that detirmine your character
Ability To Repeat Asked Questions
Introduction to the Story and Opening Scene
Fight System
Character Class Upgrades
Usable In Battle Items
Spell System, Unique To Character Class
Five Different Endings
Actions Effect Reactions System
20 Levels To Gain

Screen Shots:

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Thank you Image Shack happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Phoenix)Soul) on 2005-08-14 at 20:05:04
This seems like an incredible map. Just make sure you add a storyline, and I would add specials depending on the hero that you get. (If you said that sorry I kinda skimmed it and pulled out things that grabbed my eye) Other than that i don't know what would make it more fun to play. Good luck and I hope to play it soon!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowWarrior on 2005-08-15 at 04:27:56
Tch... reading this makes me want to play Fire Emblem again(Even though I completed Rising Sun and Sacred Stones more than 6 times each tongue.gif )
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Simulant on 2005-08-15 at 14:06:26
This map is a great idea for an rpg. Its got the different character options. uberwoot.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l2k-Warrior on 2005-08-15 at 20:07:00
Phoenix, I've contemplated making spells for heroes, and more than likely I will end up using them but at the moment I am unsure. I will do something for the heroes that cannot be done by regular units, what that will be well I guess we will just have to wait and see wink.gif

Simulant, I had most of the ideas come to me while playing Ogre Battle for the SNES, also a few other games by mostly Ogre Battle smile.gif

Shadow, I'm not stopping you biggrin.gif

I've been making good progress with this map, I have a the first, lets call it a chapter, of the map mostly done. Right now I'm just working out all the quirks to get it working flawlessly with multiple players. There's a bug here and there and some things that need to be change but all in all I'm coming along fairly well. I've also learned a lot with maps while working on this so its a win win situation.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowWarrior on 2005-08-16 at 03:49:26
Anyway... good luck on your map. If you need help with anything, I could try to help you. Also(sorry if you've posted it already), is it TBC or RTC or whatever?

And another question... when you reach the needed amount of exp(or whatever you called it), does your unit instantly change on its own or do you, like Fire Emblem, need a special item to upgrade it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-08-16 at 09:43:16
Just making sure... The left side is your starting unit?
Being A necromnancer sounds fun and then becoming Lich... mmm... Fun.

I dont rememebr reading this but is it TBC? If It is in there I am sorry.
Also add in a story. Storys dont have to be about the person you are. Just type somehting up about the world that he inhabits...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l2k-Warrior on 2005-08-18 at 18:08:50
And another question... when you reach the needed amount of exp(or whatever you called it), does your unit instantly change on its own or do you, like Fire Emblem, need a special item to upgrade it?

When you meet the prerequisites to upgrading you will be notified that you can upgrade your character. Whether or not you upgrade that character is up to the player.

Special item to upgrade.. hmm I might incorporate something like that.

Also add in a story. Storys dont have to be about the person you are. Just type somehting up about the world that he inhabits...

Oh yes I have a story in mind. however as of right now not everything is set in stone. But it revolves around oppression and the characters you control/find.

Just making sure... The left side is your starting unit?

Yes the Fighter and Apprentice are the core units which eventually become all the different classes

As far as battles go, I'm using a setup like the one in Final Fantasy 3 rpg, so special thanks goes out to Foxdragoon for making such a killer map smile.gif

Just a quick update, I've added some in game screen shots to the first post. Again nothing mindblowing but it shows some of the basic features you will find in this map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Shattered_moose on 2005-08-18 at 20:23:29
This looks very cool, but be sure not the make the battle system have some of the problems that the FF3 one did, such as multiple players entering the same arena, and one player being able to mess everyone up by getting into a battle with some monster thats far too tough for their current level.
Spells would be very very good, I think there was a thread in ideas that had several cool ideas if you need some.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by nitnit on 2005-08-19 at 15:31:10
hmmmmm, perhaps there can be some kingdom making elements.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l2k-Warrior on 2005-08-31 at 01:31:45
Well I took a little break from this map to get some school work done but I'm back at it. So heres a quick update. The game runs fine on single player, not a bug to be found. When played on multiplayer some triggers run for multiple players, so I'm going to have to start digging threw and fixing the bugs here and there. Hopefully I can have a short demo thats playable sometime soon. I'll bring it to the next map night when its ready smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowWarrior on 2005-08-31 at 07:46:32
Okay. Good luck on it. smile.gif
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