Hey everyone.
This is a well-balanced fairly large 1v1 melee map. It is very balanced and good looking in my opinion, and I will have a screenshot for you. I made this wit 100% classic star-edit. No starforge, scmdraft, or anything. So I hope you think it is good.
Also if you want to download it, I will be submitting it to the site.
First, read this guide:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=10191It tells you about some of the basic things all melee maps should have, like a choke and natural expansion and stuff. This map's mains are too large. The map is basically two large mains. Also, you'll have a hard time moving your army across that small bridge.
and you call that balanced? it makes ground units useless and air units way too good because the air is so open but the ground is so closed up.
Yeah, after I finished i realized there was no choke at all, unless you count the ramp at the bridge a choke...all the way up there... Which it's not.
So thats a major fault, thanks for pointing it out so in future maps it's not so weird like this one.
I also believe that the single crossing provides an advantage for Terran.
Ok first of: The mainbases are too money-mapish. I suggest puttin 9-11 mineral stones and 1 geysire next to the mainbase. It can be some more than on LT imo, as it is a very open map and the number of expansions is low.
Secound point, you need at least two more expansion, you should use neutral ones, that are possible to get for both players.
I believe you don't know nothing about mapmaking, but your map is still quite cool actually. It is an land map at the beginning, turniing into more of an island map later on (Remember the additional expansions are needed for that concept to work out correctly)
more in depth matchup analysis:
TvP: early game favors an agressive protoss, who will be able to slow down the terran who can't wallin or anything. When terran finally gets his vultures, protoss will easily block him at the bridge and outexpand him. terran will not be able to do any dangerous push, he could harass with drops, but that's nothing special. Carriers would control at least the natural easily. So HIGHLY imbalanced.
ZvT: First off, zerg would have to play a very different style due to the fact he can't fast expand easily, but he can flank very well. Imo a terran who plays it safe(Not attacking too early with only one control group of marines withour firebats) should have an advantage, even though this matchup should be quite interesting.
ZvP: zerg should own easily, as protoss has nowhere to defend.
QUOTE(Panschk @ Aug 24 2005, 06:07 PM)
I believe you don't know nothing about mapmaking, but your map is still quite cool actually. [right][snapback]297288[/snapback][/right]
Quite an offensive comment to come from You
I love this map. Seriously.
The locations are so far that no-choke is not a problem. I do agree on the neutral expansions though, but the bridge holds a great deal of tactical value and really should be kept as it is. Complaining about passability? Play air for gods sake.
You could also add 2 more players. Or just throw all of that out the window and make it into a spammerous money map! Yea! Actually, it looks like a cool map for just some casual playing at a LAN; who needs to worry about pro gaming, right?