Team Fortress
Team Fortress Snow Ops
List Of Things That Will Be On Here
- Respawn "3 second delay"
- All TF Characters
- All there attacks
- Flags
- Moveable flags *like before*
- Bunkers
- If you kill your own team mate(s),
5 times you will be kicked
- Underwater "nothing fancy just teleporting"
====Will Add More====
- Map Size 96x96
- In Snow
- A Water divide with Bridges
====Will Add More====
Done So Far
- Characters "All of the char's from TF"
- Added Respawn
- Added Flags
- Added points for captured flags
- Added Flag Follow
====Will Add More====
sounds unique, but sounds good......cant wait untill ur finished, then u can try out for mp)
Have u even played the real Team Fortress?
U should have more char selections like spy, sniper, pyro, demoman, and etc.
Have u even played the real Team Fortress?
U should have more char selections like spy, sniper, pyro, demoman, and etc.
i agree
Gogogo! Sounds fun to play. Just add some more classes in. Goodluck with getting into MP
Yes i got a steam account, and i was playing team fortress on this Mod, or Map of Teamfortress and all it had was Heavy Weapons Guy, and Medic, but i added repair guy sence the teams can only be 3v3 , so in a way i did add a x-tra person, because you couldnt choose a spy or any other thing, so sorry ; (
Sounds pretty unfamiliar to TFC. The special abilities are all weird.
Medic=kill everything
Soldier=build sentry
heavy guy=see map
It actually makes no sense.
My suggestions.
1-Give a chance to chose class.
2-More classes. Probably all from TFC.
3-Special abilities that are related to class. Engineer=build sentry; Medic=heal.....
4-Special respawn point for every team without 5 sec. wait. Max respawn wait can be 1 sec. and not a sec. more.
5-Make it without comps so it can be played 4v4!
And if you are going to make better TFC map after this, why are you making this anyway? Make the good map now.
Reason why im making this is because, its getting me familier of what triggers i need and what triggers to do, and I need comp, because how else will there be flags? or building guns, see this is the stuff i need to think about, and ealier today, before you posted Dead, I am now making a better one and not realising the one i was doing, but i am going to make this 1 much better
bump -
The whole TF title will just make people complain about it not being the Half-Life version. I'd like to try out yours see if it's unique from other maps that are similar.
Do we allow bumps in this forum?!
:: Edit
It seems we do...