I decided to start a new map. Hey, don't worry about Staredit Defence, I am still working on it, but not that much.
EXILED RPGA production of Clan Exiled===The Main Story===
The Grothen Kingdom and the Pyrthus Kingdom are at war. Just because 6 teenagers talked with each other without both kingdoms knowing it. Both kingdoms were allies, but that soon changed. The 6 teenagers think they know who caused the war: The Narupt Empire. But they were wrong...
The 6 teenagers must face challenges beyond their minds, but one person in their party seems to be acting oddly... who could it be?
Will the kingdoms go to war?
Or will the greater evil rise to be the true victor?
Gary Arkov
He is the brother of Maya Arkov. He is very good with ranged weapons
doesn't touch melee warfare.
Maya Arkov
Sarah Kerrigan
She is the sister of Gary Arkov. She likes to use her crossbow and
sometimes uses her sling if the enemies are behind walls.
Kellimus Melexis
Hero High Templar
He is a very talented wizard known in the Grothen Kingdom. He has a
physcic attack that damages ground units but can't attack airborn. He
has spells that enable him to attack air and ground.
Maluto Kariyama
He is a skilled assasain that uses a sword to slit peoples thoats. He was a
childhood friend of Gary Arkov. He is always stealthy even in the lightness
but virtually invisible in the darkness with out a Seeing Machine (detotor).
Sophie Cortez
She is skilled in healing magic but can't attack. She always has a personal
guard protecting her at all times and that is Issac the Slayer which is a
Stephen A. Rosenfeld
He is a bragger that brags about his attacks. He says that his magical
knives he got from a wizard are the best weapon of all. Everybsdy else
responds: Right.....
What you should know:
Zergling: Mutated Wolf
Hydralisk: Infested Elf
Infested Duran: Renagade Archer
Ultralisk: Giant of Ground
Infested Terran: Blood Civilian
th3r3 ar3 oth3rs too
Mutalisk: Dragon
Guardian: Mutated Dragon
Devolver: Infested Dragon
th3r3 ar3 oth3rs too
Village- Inn
Towns- Inn and protection
City- Inn, protection, practice field,
Major City- Inn, protection, practice field, side quest only 1, shop
Capital- Inn, protection, practice fields, side quest only 2, shop
Kingdom- Resort, no enemies can get inside, practice fields, sidequest 5, shops, buy reinforcements
Mercenary Camps
You can buy mercenarys at a price.
Fountain of Lesser Healing
Only Heals Half of your life
Fountain of Greater Healing
Heals everything.
Stranded/lost allied troops
You may touch these and aquire them. They may be fully healed or have status problems
Merchant Shop
You may buy items here.So, have fun!

Sweet, hope to see some screen shots soon
Hmm wat did these kids talk about... how could they start a war??
Just interrested it was a lil cloudy on the story line. But the rest sound great GooD Luck!!
Sorry for a little fuzzyness.
They got in a secret place, which is a little area on the map which you can go to, they were talking there about combining both the kings sacred artifacts, to make one ultimate artifact.
Both of the kings discovered and thought each other did it. The Grothen King realized that 3 teenagers withn his kingdom did it so he exiled them for starting a great war. The same thing happened to the Pyrthus Kingdom. But both kings ignored what becamed of the ultimate artifact, and it slowly traveled in evil's hands...
What I have in mind for the map right now:
1. Do the Terrain.
2. Put some units down.
3. Put bases down.
4. Give units names.
In the Future:
1. Locations
2. Cleaning up the bugs and other things.
3. Triggers with Starcraft X-tra Editor!!!!
Well, kind of a personal question. How old are you?
I'm just wondering because too me, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. And judging your age by your storyline, I would say minimum would be 12 and oldest would be 14. But, forget about that.
The storyline needs quite a bit of polishing. While the idea is there, the story isn't. But, if you would like help with that, I'll give you some pointers and then some!
Other than that, I wish you luck on this. Not too many people finish maps around here(or at least any that are worth playing). So, hopefully you can complete one(that is worth playing). Good luck!
Forsaken that was a lil harsh.. But u can add some stuff... But a story aint nothen without the game... The game always can make a crapy story own ^_^!! i liked it ty! for explaining more! I would love to hear more!
I offered help!
It's just he needs a little improvment on his grammar skills. That's all. The idea is good.
sorry but in my opinion i think that the storyline is crap. just revise it a bit like forsaken said.
I am too lazy to do some grammar... but I do put capitals and periods and that kind of crap.
Maybe Forsaken would like to help me with the map?
I'll help you with the storyline and that's it. I don't have time for another map. Currently, I am working on my RPG, <Illegal EUD>Research with a few others from this site as well as others, working on ASM Coding, Hex Editing, and getting ready to fo back to school. So, I wouldn't have time for your map. Sorry, if I didn't have this much going on, I would help you out a little bit, just not enough time.
Yah... The storyline could use some help... I right my starcraft maps all up on paper as a story before i made it... Even some in school lol ^_^ do that and if ur getting graded for it i can bet you any thing you would make a much better storyline.
Try!! IT!!!
Yah... The storyline could use some help... I write my starcraft maps all up on paper as a story before i made it... Even some in school lol ^_^ do that and if ur getting graded for it i can bet you any thing you would make a much better storyline.
Try!! IT!!!
Just because 6 teenagers talked with each other without both kingdoms knowing it.
Thats the only part i dont understand
But sounds pretty good im gonna play it when full version comes out
They were doing "unsuperized talking". Then the principal came and banned them from school. Now they are sitting in McDonalds getting a Big Mac with no onions. I don't like onions. I HATE THEM. They should die. They should be banned from every single dinner table, lunch table, breakfast table (who eats oninos for breakfast?), and maybe a midnight snack table for crazy people.
No lol, I got a little of topic there. I plan to change the part with another part. Maybe some1 would liek to help me???
Me shall twy to hwelp

do i have bad engwish? Anyways GRRRRR damm Big Mac eaters
Wtf kings and blam and kingdoms... Dosnt sound like the 20th cent. it sounds like 1300s n stuff... i would revise ur story
Uhhh... Where does it say it's the 20th century?