Cancelled due to lack of interest.
The f.lightHACK- programme's purpose is to build a fully featured 3rd person fighter simulation similar to old style computer arcade games, but playable online because it is a Starcraft: Brood War "map".
f.lightHACK- will evolve through open development. The first versions of f.lightHACK- will be intentionally minimal in features, with only the most basic versions of core systems implemented. Additional features will be added during repeated testing and revision, and will therefore arise directly as improvements to gameplay. All versions of f.lightHACK- are going to be unprotected; anyone is welcome to open it up and add their own features, for which space and keys will be left open in early versions. Anyone choosing to work on the f.lightHACK- project should send their versions to other members of the project; any "free-range" versions that arise on will also be collected. The best features from these versions, if any are produced, will then be ported, directly if possible, to the current development version, though any independent developers are also encouraged to take features from one another and from the development version to form more advanced version of their own. Also, anyone who wishes to do so is welcome to create their own terrain-versions of f.lightHACK-.
-No system may require the player to use the mouse after the initial hotkey phase is complete.
-Key-presses required for a specific action should be minimized. Therefore, actions will be accessed via a building system, with all actions in a given category (movement, items, etc.) being accessed from the same building.
-Versions of f.lightHACK- should always be openable with the greatest range of applications possible.
ver0 is intended to be the most basic version of f.lightHACK-. This version will feature 8-point rotational control with no speed management or manuverability management, a single weapon (guided missiles that seek targets within a fixed radius), and basic game systems required for playability at the current level of development. In this version, all actions will be accessed with a single keypress, as the limited number of features means that all actions can come from one hotkeyable building. ver0 will provide support for advancement as much as possible.