QUOTE(DEAD @ Sep 3 2005, 07:43 PM)
No I used the so called "grig system". I burrowed zerglings on battlefield. And made a location. 1 triggers moves location on lings all the time and other triggers gives lings to different player so location moves to next ling. Check out the map and you will see.
You mean "Grid System" that Bolt_Head invented? Well then, you can not really say it's random. Here is the definition of random.
"To be random, there must be nothing that influence the selection. In other words, everything in table must have same probability of being chosen at all time."
But in your system, the time decides which location to be selected. If player shoots cannon early, say as soon as game starts, then the first location will be selected. Even if it's hard for player to predict which location to be selected because system moves location very fast, it is still not random. It doesn't matter whether player can predict the selection or not. If there is anything that influence the selection, then it's not random.
And for some people who might think "Junkyard Dog (Roam around)" is random, well, it is not. Perhaps, StarCraft engine chooses cooridnate(Destination) randomly, but their current cooridnate IS directly influced by previous coordinate.
To add more, let's say you want to make RPG that gives a random item to players when players kill monsters. You have created 12 items and you decided to use 4 swtiches. But 4 swtiches can produce 16 outcomes. Four of them must take null actions which means you have to randomize swtiches until expected outcome has been produced. So you decide to use "Junkyard Dog" on Terran Civilian to choose random item. You give item1 to player if civ is in location1 and you give item2 if civ is in location2 and so on. Since location that is closer to civ has got more probability of being chosen, if item1 has been selected, then item12 is not likely to be selected until civ goes to any location that is closer to the location that gives item12. So it's not random.
Edit: example