- T H E G A T E -
Can You Survive The Gate?[/center]
For generation we have been sent into the void known only as the gate. The man that sends us into the gate is our master. We are slaves sent to die when we are no longer needed... It must stop... No one has ever escaped the Gate. All who try fail. Eaten by the creatures inside. As I walked through the gate I wondered "Will I be the one? Or will I perish like my ancestors?" As I exit the gate on the other side I see the bodies of my ancestors littering the ground. I am scared. Fear is the gates strongest Ally. I hear scratching as something nears. I tighten my grip on my gun and charge around the corner...
Will You Survive?
Map Statistics:
- 3 Players
- Instilation Terrain
- 192 x 192
- No Extended Terrain
- Background Music That Fits The Map
- Normal RTC Combat System
The purpose of this game is escape the gate and kill the man who sent you there to die. The gate is measures in Sectors. For example the sector with the gate to the real world is Sector 3. Each sector connects to other sectors using "Rifts" To find a rift you must find the right code to activate that rift. Some rifts will require more codes to enter. Once you find the code(s) for the rift you must then find the "Console". The console is able to activate the rift and allow you to pass through it into another sector as much as you please. However once you go through a rift you must activate that same rift in the sector you just went to. Once both sectors rifts are set up you can go between them as much as you want. Sectors can have multiple rifts in them.
Some ScreenShots Of The Opening Movie:
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Sounds real nice, good plot. But you didn't post much on gameplay hopefully it is awsome too.
Good luck on this map
I like it
. Too bad theres no extended terrain or anything cooler than RTC battle system. Yet??
I played this and I don't know what to say. I only saw the 0.1% mark so... nothing cept dropship and intro movie in screenshots...
I think it sounds like a good game
Ooo... Strange, I think I might like it, good luck with it, sounds pretty nice.
ahh typo! *e
xtended terrain*, nice idea BTW, i like your style of map making because its like mine
this looks awesome, and u showed me the opening thing b4 and i was disapointed there wasnt more cuz i really wanted to play something, but this looks like itll own... for every1s sake please hurry and finish the map...
I had to stop working but right now It is still only the dropships being blinded and the opening triggers... The opening is like that because I dont want to waste to much time but I want the person playing to know somewhat of whats going on if they didnt read the breifing... I think I will ether have a normal battlesystem OR a manual aim system where you are allied to your enemies... Thank you for all the positive feedback and i hope to get this one done
I haven't played even 1 map of Odds...
Sounds good! hopefully i'll be one of the first 10's to download it
Good luck, you have my lazy support! (I only work on my maps like in forever).
Plus, thank you for making Wall Pallete Terrain not random, that is a big thing I must thank you on, Instillation maps with random Wall Pallete looks really bad.
When are you planing to complete the map ??
Or you don't know yet ??
I dont know yet as I was gone yesterday to a water park (YAY) so I am going to be working on some more of the map today...
I dont really know what I should work on... The abilities for the dropship or the spawning of enemies OR more terrain...
I like the idea Odd. If you need a suggestion for what to work on next usually terrain is the best answer specially for installation maps. The last thing you basically have to do will be your dropship thing, unless of course it's not a spell/weapon system. I really like the screenshots though, and I hope we can see this map finished. Good luck Odd.
on the first screen shot, id suggest moving the location for the recall up more and too the right more. the position it is in now is over the wall and it doesnt look its best because of the starcraft ISOM style. if you move up up and to the right itll fit more in the 'hall' section.